Chapter 4

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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

As Daeun walked down the streets, continuously shivering at the cold, a question persisted her mind. Where's Seonghwa?

Usually he would be at the bus stop, waiting for her but today he wasn't weirdly. Glancing behind her, he was nowhere to be found, and she couldn't lie that she was a little bit confused.

Sighing softly, she convinced herself that it was for the better good. At least she now knows he was maybe never interested in her in the first place.

Waking into the school gates, a disappointed frown on her lips, she carried on walking to her classroom, her shoulders slumped.

That's until she sees Lucas leaning against her locker, a bright smile on his lips. She smiled at him before it drops back down into a frown, she walked to him before his hands ruffled her hair messily.

"My hair!" She yells, pushing him off before patting her hair back down, "Its only 8:10 little shit."

"Yikes you're a bit moody." Lucas laughs as she pouts, pulling her scarf off her neck, "What happened? Did your boyfriend break up with you?"

"What boyfriend?" She mutters rudely, pulling her locker open as Lucas raised his brows tauntingly.

"Don't act dumb we all know you're dating Seonghwa who most likely broke up with you this morning."

Slamming her locker shut, suddenly feeling anger boiling within her, she speaks up irritatedly, "It's mid October and I haven't even been here for a full month yet you're saying that I'm dating a boy that I barely know."

"I thought you guys come to school together and leave together?" Lucas presses, a cocky grin engraving on his lips as Daeun suddenly became quiet, "Damn Daeun, you're really gonna downgrade to him?"

"We aren't dating?!" She snaps frustratedly, feeling pissed she stomps off to her homeroom, gritting her teeth from erupting into a full on argument.

"Watch how he gets you wrapped around his pretty little finger Daeun." Lucas calls, watching her turn down the corner as he chuckles at the lack of response.

He wasn't wrong though.

As Daeun walked into the classroom, fists clenched in pure anger, she fought back the feeling of betrayal when seeing Seonghwa and his group laughed and joked around.

But what hurt the most is that he didn't even spare her a second glance.

See it wasn't meant to be.

After spending more than 2 weeks with him, she really thought he was her friend, but guess she was wrong.

She walked to her seat, avoiding their eyes, she sat down silently. A revolting feeling covering her insides as she took out her phone, wanting to distract herself.

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