Chapter 49

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"Remember the last time we went out

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"Remember the last time we went out... that so did not end well."

Daeun giggled away, although deep down she was embarrassed and scared. It was hard to think that she had no choice but to tell Seonghwa everything from the last four years, when she should've said it much earlier.

And for that she was still feeling guilty.

Seonghwa chuckled in response, pulling down her beanie as the cold weather hit them like a rush. The wind was heavy and icy, however they barely entered March so it made sense for it to still be cold, "Can't lie though, I still had fun before we met your asshole of a friend."

"You only had fun because you forcefully bought me that dress!"

Daeun laughed aloud, remembering the black body con that she threw right at the back of her cupboard as soon as she stepped through her door. Although she did consider burning it to ashes, she couldn't being herself to because of Seonghwa.

"Well you aren't technically wrong..." He trailed off quietly, rubbing the back of his head as a smirk enticed his red lips, "You looked so sexy-"

"Shut up! You looked so much better." Daeun grinned slyly, winking at him and he winked right back at her.

"I know I did. Only I can pull off so much black." He rolled his eyes playfully, cockiness rolling off his tone, it made Daeun smile. Only Park Seonghwa can be this confident about himself.

They walked hand in hand along the evening streets of Seoul, both encased in dark oversized coats while staring down at each other lovingly. Daeun wore Seonghwa's beanie and a large fluffy scarf that encased her neck, she appeared even tinier in her coat making Seonghwa grin.

They were both giggling and chatting with each other, almost making them forget the tense talks they shared just barely an hour ago. However it was also relieving that they finally talked things out, there were no more 'dark, unravelled' secrets or unanswered questions, they were finally happy and content with each other and their thoughts.

"I'm freezing, how much longer?" Daeun asked and Seonghwa could visibly perceive her teeth chattering and her hand shaking in his. He squeezed her hand at a steady pace, thinking it would at least stop her shaking.

"Maybe 5 minutes." He murmured in response, squinting at the shops in front of him to see if he could at least spot it.

"You brought your car over so I don't get why we have to walk in the cold and not have driven to this surprise place. Unless your planning to kidnap me to someplace else then I'll-"

"Daeun trust me if I wanted to kidnap you then I would've done it much earlier." Seonghwa jokingly claimed and Daeun scoffed, "But the place where we're about to arrive at is much nicer than driving there."

"Oh really?" She grumbled sarcastically, not particularly enjoying the feeling of her fingers numbing by the minute, "At least give me a clue."

"Hmm... well it's a place I go to frequently just to escape reality for a little while." He mustered up, staring up at the gloomy sky as he tried to think of more clues. A smirk grew on his lips, snapping his head down to her, he met her confused gaze, "It's a place I go to with no one other than me, so you're the first person I'm taking there."

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