Chapter 96

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before u start reading
i just want to say…


this book has been a total rollercoaster (no it's not finished yet) but i honestly love seeing all ur comments and plz the #teamhwa and #teamlucas comments make me die 😭✋

anywayz ily all and tysm <3

anywayz ily all and tysm <3

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"He's picking you up?"

"Yes he's picking me up!" Daeun smiled vigorously, phone pressed against her ear, jumping up and down excitedly at thought of Lucas appearing at her door any second.

Joohyun sighed from the end of the line, the type of sigh she does when she was deeply contemplating something- or she wanted to say something but knows she won't get the right type of reaction.

"What is it Joo?"

"It's nothing but... just are you over Seongho Daeun?"

Daeun had paused in her jumping for a second, her heart stopping along with her thoughts.

She was over Seonghwa...
At this point she had to be.

Joohyun seems to understand her silence for a moment, a bitter chuckle escaping her lips as she runs a frustrated hand through her soft hair, just minutes away from performing on stage. She stares at her reflection in the mirror, contemplating everything Daeun has planned.

"He was your first real boyfriend cuz, and you know, you may think it's easy to get over them but it's really not. Trust me."

"I am over him."

Daeun had stated confidently, the words Joohyun had voiced barely penetrating through the brick wall in her mind- the one Seonghwa had built after their trust was tarnished.

"Okay that's good. I have to go now, stay safe with Marcus cuz."

"It's Lu-" The sound of the phone hanging up made Daeun stop herself with a whisper. "-cas"

No no no, she can't think about him right now. Not when she has a date arriving within the next few minutes.

No Seonghwa thoughts tonight.
No, tonight is just her and Lucas.
And he wasn't going to ruin it.

She taps her phone against her palm with agitation, leaning against the front door anxiously. Seonghwa was one of those things she'd see randomly- and 99% of the time she would see him, it would be unplanned and crazy. It was like the universe was purposely bringing them together.

Nonetheless, he won't show up tonight.
I mean yeah he may have heard about her going out with Lucas from Yeosang, who was also not too pleased hearing about the date, but it's not like he can do anything without her hate for him growing.

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