Chapter 55

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❛ what if we rewrite the stars
say you were meant to be mine

It was dark

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It was dark. Almost 7pm and after a dozen argument and retorts, here Lucas was, driving Daeun home in spite of her saying she was ok to go alone. Thus he had to force her into his car.

"He's waiting for you? At your place?" Lucas questioned, he obviously sounded annoyed. Even Daeun could pick that up from his tone.

She hummed, fumbling around with the strings of the gift bag as she stared down at it happily. "He got me ice cream."

"Ice cream, how cute."

His tone was scornful and pure mockery, it made Daeun fume with irritation as she tried to restrain herself from grabbing a fistful of his crusty black hair. She's been thinking about doing that all day actually, just too see if it would rip if she even tugged at it.

"If you want a picture just ask, you wouldn't be the first person anyway." He groaned and Daeun's eyes widened when she realises she's been caught, quickly her head snaps to the window, away from his sly smile. She could feel her cheeks heat up but still tried to cover it with a scowl.

"I wasn't looking at you ew, I was looking at your crusty hair. How many times have you dyed it? Jiwoo told me you used to do it blond until you realised Seonghwa was apparently 'copying' you."

"In love with my hair I see," he raised a brow at her, "why do we always have to talk about that bastard?"

"He isn't a bastard."

"You're blindly in love him," Lucas snorted, "of course you would say that."

"Oh yeah?" She scoffed, leaning towards him so that her arm was barely an inch away from him. The pace of his heart sped up at the sudden movement, his gaze awkwardly flickering to her piercing dark eyes and the road in front of him. A lump was wedged in the middle of his throat, suddenly feeling conscious under her scrutinisation.

"How about you?" Daeun finally spoke. "Is there anyone you're 'blindly' in love with?"

"Deep much." He tried to chuckle off but when she doesn't bat an eye, he sighs.

"Yeah ok maybe this one girl."

Daeun squealed at that, jumping back into her seat, unaware of Lucas's inaudible sigh. How could he ever say she was the girl he's head over heels for? It like he was asking to be rejected by an already taken girl.

She playfully hit his arm, grinning widely at the unexpected confession. "Who's this unlucky girl I'm feeling sorry for?"

it's you idiot

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