Chapter 117

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" can this moment stay forever? "

"No Lucas! You sprinkle the cheese on the lasagne, don't put it in one corner!"

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"No Lucas! You sprinkle the cheese on the lasagne, don't put it in one corner!"

"Can we just let Taeyong cook…?"

"Have you tried Seonghwa's lasagne though? Literally heaven on a plate."

"Is his name not Seongho…?"

Through all the chaos and bickering, tonight was definitely a night to remember. And Seonghwa was the one to organise it all.

After her performance, Daeun had quickly exited the stage and to the audience- where she was embraced by her overjoyed parents. It all took her by surprise. Her mum had cried the second she landed in her arms while her dad cried through laughter after her mum did- later lying about it saying he was laughing at her.

It was all too much to take in. Especially knowing it was Seonghwa and Yukhei who organised the after party- together. Together.

That though alone drove her crazy.

And now here they were, in her apartment. Daeun was sat on the sofa, still in the dress while her heels were thrown somewhere to the side, being cradled in her mother's arms as she gushed on about her amazing her cello practise had gotten. Meanwhile, there was world war three happening in the kitchen.

Seonghwa and Yukhei were practically bickering every moment- over the food of course. Taeyong and Ten stood behind and defended Yukhei with all their might while Hongjoong and Yunho did the same for Seonghwa- Joong a tad more aggressive as well as Taeyong. Daeun's dad stood in between them, laughing endlessly as he rambled about his senior year and how that was the year he and her mum had got together. Wooyoung and San were the only ones listening however, squealing at every mention of her mum.

At the same time, Irene was sat at the dining table. She had barely made it after her little cousin's performance and after her own at music core, still in her makeup and hair. Queendom promotions were finally happening so that meant endless practices and performances for her.

But in here, she was surrounded by all her fanboys. Yuta sat on one side of her whilst Mingi sat on the other- the two glaring at each other but sweetly talking to her. Jaehyun, Jongho and Yeosang also enlisted themselves in the conversation. Because… well who wouldn't want to talk to the Irene.

And through all the madness and disorder, Daeun would want it no other way.

It was like a big old family in here, the kind of vibe she wished to have from the very start. Though some of the people she first disliked were in here (specifically Kim Hongjoong) she could not lie that every single one of them meant a lot to her.

In conclusion… coming to Seoul was the best decision she had ever made.

"Dad's talking about the time he accidentally broke your nose again." Daeun groaned as she hears a catch of the conversation. That was always one of the stories he talked about frequently.

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