Chapter 29

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"Seonghwa for the millionth time, I'm ok!" Daeun exclaims, fingers wrapped around her phone as she bobbed down the streets, off to the library to do some revision

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"Seonghwa for the millionth time, I'm ok!" Daeun exclaims, fingers wrapped around her phone as she bobbed down the streets, off to the library to do some revision.

Exams are coming nearer and nearer so she needs to carry on revising, leaving Seonghwa completely restless.

"Oi if you feel unwell I'll head over right now. Give me 10 minutes." Seonghwa exasperates, his phone on loud speaker as he started his revision too.

Although he should've started revising months ago, he didn't feel the need to waste his time on something so useless and boring.

He'd rather be partying and breaking hearts.

"I'm off to the library today and you should start revising too. You cannot fail." Daeun grins making Seonghwa chuckle on the other line.

"If you want me to pick you up when you're done, call me."

"Mhm yes dad."

Hanging up before Seonghwa could say anything, Daeun carried on walking, a wide grin attached on her lips.

After yesterday's event with her breaking down, it put Seonghwa on edge and it made him frustrated as he didn't didn't even know what she was crying about.

He was absolutely clueless.

However Daeun felt over the moon, it's like she's become a different person today.

Her brown hair is pulled into a low bun, bucket hat sat on top, slightly covering her eyes. She held her books to her chest as her eyes wander around in search of the library.

Finally spotting the building she scurried to it, bag bouncing up and down against her back.

As she walked in, eyes raking over the victorian styled shelves, she checked herself in before moving to a table.

Of course she needs to start revising more often, whether or not she's in the library however knowing Seonghwa he won't be too fond of doing the same.

A tired sigh left her lips as she opened her maths book, her eyes instantly stretching open at the difficult context.

"So useless." She mutters under her breath, skipping through the thick book. Fingers wrapping around a pen, she started working through equations, underlining stuff she needs to memorize or learn.

It must've been at least an hour, when she got up and stretched, letting out a painful sigh before everyone around her shush her.

"Sorry." She murmurs making her way around the table and to the dozens of shelves filled with revision books.

She went past the check out desk and immediately her eyes dawned on the two librarians smacking each other with the books, not much older than she is.

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