Chapter 48

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Daeun's arms tightened around Seonghwa's waist, her flushed cheeks pressed against his chest as she inhaled his cologne, somehow thinking the butterflies swarming in her stomach would calm down a bit

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Daeun's arms tightened around Seonghwa's waist, her flushed cheeks pressed against his chest as she inhaled his cologne, somehow thinking the butterflies swarming in her stomach would calm down a bit. But no it just made her go crazier.

he opened up to me just like i had to him. that must mean something right?

Seonghwa laid beside her with his eyes glued to the ceiling fan, spinning and spinning just like his thoughts. There was something about Daeun that he can't put his head around.

She listened to him when he thought no one else would.
She spoke words that held care and warmth that no one else spoke.
But most importantly she loves him. A genuine love he hasn't felt for two years.

He can't help himself but to love her back.

"After she died," he finally continued, caressing her knotted hair while he tried to ignore his heart that thundered loudly in his chest, he hoped she couldn't hear it, "I had no choice but to live with my father who immediately got married to Kyungmi, I was barely 16 and there was no way I could leave.

I thought her death would make him feel the guilt I wanted him to feel, I wanted him to feel pain and repent. But I was wrong. He wasn't upset. He wasn't guilty. He was over the moon because he finally had Kyungmi in his arms.

No words can describe my hate for the both of them."

He ended his words with a bitter chuckle, who knew the two people he hated the most could have such an impact on his life.

Daeun felt shivers run down her spine at his words, and she shuddered, her fingers gripping the gritty material of his school shirt. She saw Seonghwa as the pretty boy who had everything- she's pretty sure everyone saw him like that. He grew up with a golden spoon pressed to his lips, he never had to worry about money, school, clothes unlike most people around him. He was envied because he had everything that everyone wanted.

But who knew that the pretty boy who had everything also lost the one thing that meant everything to him.

Like a vase, he was fragile, delicate and beautiful. But once it's pushed, it crashes and breaks into pieces. It is not a whole anymore, it is just sharp pieces of shards, dangerous and broken. That's what he is now.

Touch the sharp side and you will bleed.

"Hate is a strong word." Daeun whispered, tilting her head up so that she caught a glimpse of the tip of his nose. He chuckled lightly, his chest vibrating under her causing her to sigh, snuggling closer to him.

For seconds it was completely silent, neither spoke, they bathed in their own thoughts, comfortable in the position they were in. Seonghwa carried on brushing his fingers through her hair, still staring at the whiteness of her ceiling while Daeun rested her cheek against his chest, her fingertips barely pressing into his shirt and her eyes batting open and shut at a steady pace.

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