Chapter 26

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"Break up with her on your birthday

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"Break up with her on your birthday."

Seonghwa immediately chokes, hands flying to his water filled mouth as he tries to swallow it down. Hongjoong chuckles avidly, mind boggling at the way Seonghwa reacted but he smiles.

"I know, four months- it's long but actually fun." He chuckles again, eyes moving to outside the window. He stared as the trees swayed back and forth by the cold wind, the day being unusually quiet leaving him quiet too.

Eyes glued to his new shoes, Seonghwa kept quiet too. It's been more than two months since him and Daeun got together, and it seems like time is flying past them.

But he can't lose.
He won't lose.

"It's fine she entertains me." Seonghwa states grudgingly, not feeling the small circle of excruciating pain engrave deeply into his heart, "She's nothing to me."

A smirk lifted onto Hongjoong's lips, shaking his head in amusement as his eyes wondered around the empty classroom.

They sat on the desks, just talking to each other but what struck Hongjoong is that Seonghwa didn't talk about Daeun's once. Not once.

Wanting to ask about that, Hongjoong didn't know how to word it but the opening of the door jolted them both up, heads swinging around to it.

Daeun peeked through the door, smiling embarrasedly seeing it's just and Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Sighing in relief, their shoulders slump as Seonghwa gives a small smile.

"Sorry, I was just looking for somewhere empty to study." Daeun mumbles sheepishly, ready to leave until Hongjoong waves her over.

"You could study with the dumbass right there." Hongjoong grins, nodding to Seonghwa who gives him an exaggerated glare.

"At least I don't suck at math minion."
"I'm better at english than you dumbass."

Daeun stood there awkwardly, watching the two bicker on loudly. About to leave, Hongjoong gets up and flashes her a warm smile, "Maybe you could teach him how to not be a dumbass?"

She chuckles as Hongjoong slips past her, patting her head once more before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

Instantly she faced a grinning Seonghwa who sat on the desk, almost like a puppy. "Minion? Woah, all of a sudden I ship you guys."

"He's smol- like a minion. I know, we'd make a great couple" Seonghwa winks, forming a circle shape with his hands making Daeun laugh as she sat on a chair. About to take her books out, his hand rests on hers as he lifts his brows in complete dislike, "Are you really going to study Bae?"

The warmth in his hand makes Daeun want to keep it there forever, right with her, "That's the reason I'm here baby."

Cheeks suddenly becoming hot, Seonghwa suddenly feels flustered yet he covers it with a wide grin, "Come closer."

"Just lean down." She grumbles.

"Just come closer I feel awkward..." Seonghwa persists, scratching the back of his head, his other hand is still perched on Daeun's.

Baffled, Daeun edges closer and Seonghwa leans down to her. His breath brushing over down to her upper lip as he brings his hand up to the side of cheek, "Come closer then, let me tell you!"

"Is it that embarrassing?" Daeun asks, hand becoming tight around his as he nods abruptly.

She shuffles even closer as Seonghwa leans down to her ear, eyes fixed on hers. Daeun waited for him to talk, oblivious to the way he tilted his head, eyes still on her shiny ones.

In a flash he smirks, quickly pressing his lips against Daeun's hardly. Eyes widening in sheer shock, she withdrew immediately, fingers running over her lips.

"You liar!" Daeun yells, shoving him off the desk making him laugh louder, hand on his stomach as he points at the tip of her ears that are tinted red.

Covering her ears, a smile twitched on her lips yet she tried to not laugh along. Seonghwa toppled to the floor, his curly hair falling over his eyes as he shuts his eyes.

"You're so fucking cute." He breathes out while coughing in a bid to stop laughing. Daeun scowls, making her way over to him, fingers grasped around her school skirt.

Hands wrapping around his arm, she heaves him up unsteadily but carefully, knees wobbling as his figure towered over her, eyes examining hers.

She cares about him so much. Why would she even care about someone like him?

"Your clothes are dusty now." Daeun mutters, hands leaving his arm as she pats the dust off him. Seonghwa couldn't help but stay quiet, why can't he figure her out?

Even the smallest things makes his heart pound for her.

"I wish you'd just stay by my side forever." He blurts out as Daeun looks up at him, startled by the unexpected confession.

"Is something wrong?" She asks worriedly, placing her hand on his chest, her caring eyes stayed glued to his.

It's you.

"Nope I just wanted to say that." Seonghwa giggles, etching a smile on his lips.

Tip toeing, Daeun quickly pecks his lips, a grin on her lips as she took Seonghwa by surprise.

"Ah fuck this." Seonghwa scoffs, smashing his lips against hers hardly.

Daeun could feel her knees about to give away, as her hands clung on to his shoulders, his arms enclosing around her waist, lips still on hers.

She could feel him smirk against her lips, somehow making her smile as she kissed him back, her hand running through his hair making it messy.

They didn't hear the door open seconds later, or see the person who entered until he quickly backed out, "Oh my fucking god, you kids better not have too much fun in there."

With abruptness, the couple staggered away from each other, both flustered and embarrassed. Their heads immediately snapping to the boy whistling away in front of the door as Daeun yells, "Lee Taeyong, you did not see anything!"

 Their heads immediately snapping to the boy whistling away in front of the door as Daeun yells, "Lee Taeyong, you did not see anything!"

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lee taeyong ohmygosh

also i'm back sadly to skl tmrw sadly 😭
so my updates might be longer than usual
i'm sorryyy 💕

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