Chapter 53

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Daeun shuffled around in discomfort, groaning at the light that radiated against her closed eyelids, forcing her to snap them open

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Daeun shuffled around in discomfort, groaning at the light that radiated against her closed eyelids, forcing her to snap them open. For a second she was completely puzzled, this didn't look like her room...?

She shot up, back hitting the headboard of the bed, her eyes wide and expression bewildered as she looked around the expensive room that was littered with milky furniture, all flawlessly polished and without stain. She scuffled around in the pure white sheets that encased her stiff body before she let out a squeak, realising she was in someone's hoodie.

Thankfully her dress was still under the large hoodie, allowing her to slump a bit in relief.

That is until she sees an air mattress neatly beside the bed, a pillow on it and a blanket folded tidily next to it.

shit, what did i do last night? who else slept here? what happened after the party?

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, goosebumps gnawing at her arms as she tried to assure herself that nothing happened last night. Questions clogged her mind, involuntarily making her panic. Nothing happened last night, she assured herself again. She must've gotten a bit too drunk... right?

Slowly she got out of the bed, her bare feet meeting the cold floor and she let out a hiss, an unbearable pain pounding in her head. Just exactly how much did she drink?

i feel like shit.

And straight away, she slipped out of the door, unknowingly missing her black heels that were neatly lined up against the door- along with her purse and jacket.

Daeun stormed down the stairs, her thumping footsteps not going unheard.

"Hey Daeun!"

A voice giggled from above her, her head flicking in the direction of the raspy voice. She was greeted with a smiling Wooyoung who had a baby blue toothbrush wedged between his pearls, waving at her happily.

"Oh hey Woo..." she trailed off, an unsure smile settling on her lips, "what happened last night?"

He snorted at that, casually leaning against the railing of the stairs as he looked down at her. "I'll put it simply- you went fucking mad and and stole my dance partner. But hey! At least you didn't finish all the alcohol!"

"I did what?!" She squeaked out, before wincing at at another rush of pain that rumbled in her head.

"After all that shit you boozed on, you might want to get that checked out." He whistled lowly, turning back to wherever he had come from.

She was embarrassed, so embarrassed that she wanted to bury herself a grave and never get out. She promised herself to not drink?! What had happened to that?!

Quickly Daeun ran down the sets of stairs, internally screaming at herself for even touching a damn drink, fuck. She should've just stuck with water. At least she wouldn't be stealing San away from a possessive Wooyoung.

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