Chapter 69

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"You don't need to drop me off Lucas

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"You don't need to drop me off Lucas."

Daeun mumbled with a deep frown, his shoulders nudging hers as he pouts.

"I'm your guardian angel though." And he likes walking with her- just the two of them and their comfortable silence trailing along.

"I think you're taking that concept a bit too seriously." She chuckled but it sounded so empty, so humour-less. Now he was the one frowning, a feeling of confusion blossoming in his heart.

Did something happen today? Or was something else bothering her?

Anxiety chipped at that back of his mind, she couldn't be sad because of Park Seonghwa right? After everything that's happened she must hate him with all her heart. Right? It makes no sense for her to be still caring for an asshole like him.
A surge of fear and apprehension coursed through him, adding more fuel to the ripe anxiety. Was he overthinking it? He doesn't know but what he does know is that after Seonghwa built hell for Daeun, he has no right to run after her again.

He will not allow it.

"Elsa are you okay?" Lucas asked in the most hushed tone, his eyes watching her intently as she stared straight ahead, a void in her once cheerful demeanour.

She nodded her head without hesitation, throwing a small smile his way. "I'm fine."

no you're not.

Lucas didn't believe her at all, he wished he did but he couldn't. You could see the abundant pain lurking behind her brown orbs, just waiting to jump out once she's alone. And it pained him so fucking bad.

Yeah maybe she didn't want to worry him or maybe she didn't want anyone to know the reason behind her sorrow.

Maybe because the pain was Seonghwa.

"About the locker thing today-"

"It was Yuta."

Immediately his eyes widened, slowly halting in his footsteps as Daeun continued walking, suddenly not too hurt by the fact that it was him- it definitely wasn't a big shocker. About to change the subject, she turns her head to the side, a frown enticing her lips, feet stopping when she sees Lucas frozen in place.

"And you couldn't tell me earlier?" Lucas scoffed out in disbelief, his eyes finding her innocent ones again but this time she sighed, trudging closer to him.

"He's one of your closest mates Lucas, I don't want you to be angry with him." Daeun reasoned with a smile, her hand cupping his cheek and her thumb brushing against his cheekbone gently- sending electrifying tremors down his spine.

His trembling hand slowly pressed against the one over his cheek, lightly caressing her cold knuckles as he stared down at her, his gaze lingering on her glossy lips for seconds before shifting back to her flawless eyes.

"But still," he murmured, "just because he's my friend doesn't mean I can't call him out for his actions."

"It's not that deep." Daeun mumbled, watching her finger as it traces along his sharp jawline. However she stops when his jaw clenched, looking up, she was met with his angered expression.

"He told you to die Daeun, and you're saying that's not deep? Are you out of your fucking mind?"

"Well he's not the first one to say that..."

"Are you stupid? That doesn't make it any better."

Lucas sighed at her silence, his large hand still clinging onto hers- basically covering it. He didn't like how deep in thought she was, her brows knitted together as creases formed on her clean unibrow, she tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth, avoiding his piercing gaze.

He exhaled tiredly, slipping his backpack off and crouching down onto his knees, instantly Daeun snapped out of her daze, arching a brow at his sudden posture.

"What are you waiting for? Get on."

Daeun scoffed, watching him tap his back with resilience in his voice. She crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head adamantly.

"That's embarrassing- you're embarrassing."

"I don't care, now get on! I'm about to get a cramp!"

Daeun couldn't help but break out into a chuckle, all while her arms wrapped around his neck, her small hands reaching just above his chest. Lucas smiled at her melodious laughter, slowly getting up and hooking his arms under her legs, it swaying back and forth by his side.

And before she could even get comfortable, he darted down the pavement, a loud yelp escaping past her lips.

Lucas laughed at her, utterly amused as his chest vibrated under Daeun's hands, his deep laughter resonating through the cold air.

"You're such an idiot!" She screamed once he finally slowed down, a lazy grin collapsed on his face.

"But I'm your idiot."

"Stop that." Daeun grumbled, casually resting her forehead in the crook of his neck, nose barely grazing against the collar of his navy blazer.

He chuckled, a rosy hue painting a river across his cheeks as embarrassment overcame him at her gentle touch. "Stop what?"

"Whatever this is."

"I'm not following."

She frustratedly exhaled, sending sharp daggers at his suggestive smile. "You know what I'm talking about."

"No... I don't." He mused.

"Forget it." Daeun muttered, digging her chin into his shoulder as she aimlessly gazed at his side profile, admiring his evidently flawless features that shone with brilliance. Wong Yukhei is without a doubt, perfect in countless ways.

And she was happy to have him by her side.


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HIT 70 💀

also daeun and lucas tkfjfbsb
bro they cute 😩 

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