Chapter 2

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"I have dance so I'll be going that way but just go outside and to the second building

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"I have dance so I'll be going that way but just go outside and to the second building." Taeyong explains again, pointing at specific places as Daeun listens carefully, nodding continuously, "I'm going to be late to class but see you around Daeun."

Instantly her lips etch into a timid smile as she waves goodbye him making him grin, shaking his head she walks downstairs to the exit that leads to the school courtyard.

Walking quickly, she observes the school buildings trying to memorize every single one she's passing.

The school courtyard is all green with thin slate stone pathways leading to different buildings. However unexpectedly in the centre of the courtyard is a large crowd cheering and yelling, encircling a pair of students.

Curiosity took advantage of her as she carelessly wanders to the crowd. Squeezing her way through the cheering students she goes to the front to see what's actually happening.

On the ground there's a boy with raven black hair, his face minimally bruised and his lips bleeding red as Seonghwa, who's on top of him, throws harsh punches.

Just leave Daeun, you already have enough trouble. One part of her thought, about to turn away but on the other hand a thought came into her mind, Don't be a bystander like what happened in Incheon instead stop it.

Stop it.

As her head snaps down, she realises the raven haired boy is starting to falter and lose consciousness while Seonghwa is too engrossed in the fight to notice the boy is starting to pass out.

Swallowing the dry spit down her throat, her fists clenched in anger, she strode to the pair confidently, the crowd becoming quiet- noticing her.

Tapping Seonghwa's shoulder, he looks up at her infuriated before confusion struck him. His lips parted as if to question her.

But within seconds, she shoves him to the ground hardly, eyes void of emotion.

It felt as if time had stopped for Daeun, everyone stared at her in shock that she even dared to even touch the king of their school.

It was dead silent as Seonghwa stood up, his head raging with harrowing thoughts and a taste of revenge yet he just barged past her but not before growling, "You're lucky you're a girl."

Daeun let out the breath she was holding in as Seonghwa walked away with his held high- as if to show he wasn't done with her.

Fists becoming lose, Daeun immediately turned her attention to the boy groaning against the ground as the crowd began to disperse almost instantly.

Looking around, she saw no one, they left the poor guy bleeding and alone.

Hesitantly she keeled down to him, lightly slapping his cheeks so he'd stay awake. "Hey look at me, stay awake."

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