Chapter 10

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"Chocolate or vanilla?" He asks, a wide smile on his face as he makes his way towards the ice cream shack stood in front of them

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"Chocolate or vanilla?" He asks, a wide smile on his face as he makes his way towards the ice cream shack stood in front of them. His cross shaped earring dangling on his ear, the soft summer breeze pushing it back and forth.

"Get me both." Daeun grins, holding up 2 fingers as he gawks, disbelief spreading on his face, "Get me 2 scoops."

Pushing his bike against the railing, he giggles causing her to laugh awkwardly, not knowing what he was laughing about, "Do you want to become a pig before high school?"

Instantly she huffs, offended yet knowing he was going to say something like that, "Dude it's just ice cream."

He chuckles, ignoring her as he walks into the shop, she glares into his back, it is in fact just ice cream.

Minutes later he brings back the ice creams, Daeun's double scoop and his one scoop mango sorbet. She didn't realise she looked sad until he makes the same face leaving her pouting.

"I was joking you know." He states, poking Daeun's cheeks making her huff, snatching the ice cream out of his hand as he laughs, "You're a skinny bitch, don't worry."

"Yeah yeah let's go down now." Daeun says, cutting him off as she grabs his arm, already dragging him down the steps to the golden sand.

"You're such a child." He chuckles and she grins in response before licking her ice cream, he wasn't completely wrong, "Wait you got something there."

Stopping abruptly, Daeun looks at him confusedly, glancing down at her floral top and denim shorts, "Where?"

"Right here." He smirks, brushing his spoon of mango ice cream on her nose as she screams, staggering backwards while trying to wipe the cold substance off with her wrist.

"Oh it's on!" Daeun yells, smiling, grabbing a spoonful of chocolate ice cream while he does the same too.

"Watch how I win this Daeun-ah!"

"We'll see asshole!"

A pair of fingers snap in Daeun's face causing her to spring up, eyes snapping open to see Seonghwa opposite her, a worried frown across his lips, "Idiot, I was looking all over for you."

"Why?" She yawns, rubbing her eyes with her palms to wake herself up. Shaking away the remaining glimpse of the memories, she quietly listens to Seonghwa's nagging.

It's the beginning of November, Daeun's been here for more than a month now and it feels like her and Seonghwa have driven closer.

"What do you mean why?! You said we'll go home together today but then I saw you were literally dozing off in here. Your lips looked cute by the way."

She grabs the book she was supposedly reading and pulls it up, covering her face out of embarrassment, "You're so unruly."

"Bae Bae I'm toooo wild for you to tame." Seonghwa winks as she chuckles in tiredness, lowering down her book slightly to see his face, and holy shit.

He's leaning on his palm, his soulless eyes staring into Daeun's, his wayv blond hair is messy yet so beautiful. Her legs trapped between his, she gulps down the nervous lump in her throat but she couldn't look away.

He stares at her, almost expressionless and she stares back, wondering what he's thinking.

She couldn't move nor breathe, frozen on the spot. Heart pounding in her chest, the hairs on her neck stand up as a rush of chills march down her spine, watching his dark eyes twinkle with amusement.

"Let's go now." He laughs, pulling her up by her arm as she nods, not removing his arm.

"You w-went to your detention?" Daeun questions with hesitation, putting her bag on slowly as they both leave the classroom, side by side.

"Mhmm." He hums, as they finally exit the school. He lets go of her arm and let's it to fall to his side as they strolled to the bus stop, "You know, I realised I barely know much about you so could we like... ask questions about each other, favourite food?"

Daeun chuckles at his shyness before answering, "Chicken obviously, but for desert it's ice cream for sure."

"Cake is way better than ice cream." Seonghwa scoffs, kicking a can across the ground, sending it flying to the other side of the road, "Steak and chips are my favourite food at the moment."

"Yes tell me about yourself." Daeun squeals, clasping her hands together as Seonghwa mimics her, sarcasm flowing with it, "Me first: my birthday's on 10th of May."

"Wow such an interesting fact." Seonghwa snorts causing her to punch him on the arm as he laughs, "Mines on April the 3rd, and I'm expecting presents from your dumbass."

"Yes don't worry your highness, but I sort of wish you were born on April the 1st, man that would be so funny." She giggles as he scoffs, shaking his head with a passive smirk, "Wait ok, this is more interesting. So in my apartment when I'm out I always leave the hallway light on but if I'm at home the lights are always off."

"That's stupid why would you leave the light on though?"

"Because if I ever get do get robbed the thief will see I'm home by the light that's on and thus I won't be robbed." She grins, a proud look on her face as she shrugs, trying to stay modest, "Smart right?"

"Nope still stupid." Seonghwa laughs, "How will the thief know the lights are on?"

"He has to look under the door first duh."

"That's some twisted logic." Seonghwa giggles as Daeun refrain herself from pushing him, "So you know how I drop you to the bus stop everyday after school."

She nods, listening intently, "Well there's actually my chauffeur waiting for me on the other side of town."

"Ugh you're a rich and royal ass." She jokes, "Let me guess you have a maid that cleans your room, picks your clothes and gives you showers?"

"Something like that." Seonghwa laughs embarrasedly, scratching his head rather awkwardly as they arrive at the stop, "Well see you Monday morning Bae."

"Bye Hwa." She smiles, waving him goodbye as she hops onto the bus. She looks back to see Seonghwa gazing at her in shock, slowly bringing his hand up to wave back.

"Did she just call me Hwa?" Seonghwa mumbles to himself, Daeun's bus now out of view as he began walking to his car that's waiting for him on the other side of town.

His heart was beating unusually fast when Daeun called him “Hwa” normally his closest friends would call him that and he felt nothing but it was different with her. He feels more comfortable with her than he was with most girls.

But why?
Was it because she sees him as just a friend?

Now he's wondering, does he really hate her?

Now he's wondering, does he really hate her?

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cake or ice cream?

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