Chapter 121

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" you still have a long way to go
do you even need me for this journey?
do you want me to let go? "

" but i'm not ready to let go "

Seonghwa consciously jogged across the courtyard, ringing phone clasped in his hand while his feet dragged him to an empty place- the overwhelming ringing implanting unneeded panic in his filled mind

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Seonghwa consciously jogged across the courtyard, ringing phone clasped in his hand while his feet dragged him to an empty place- the overwhelming ringing implanting unneeded panic in his filled mind. The second his father began calling him he got up and left, fear attacking him from all angles.

It wasn't common for his father to call him, to be honest… he rarely ever did, and when he did, it was never anything good. Especially seeing it's his graduation day, his father calling him in the middle of the event wasn't a good sign.

What did he do now?

Seonghwa found himself barging into the boys' bathroom, continuously looking back to see if anyone was there before silently locking the door.

His dark eyes trailed off onto his phone screen, the word Father taunting him as he unknowingly inhales- as if expecting a full-blown yelling from the end of the line. He slowly swipes it, bringing the device against his ear.

For a few seconds, neither of them say anything, the only sound there was was the prolonged breathing by Seonghwa.

His free hand slowly ball into right fists, hating the unbearable tension between them. "Hello?" He murmured through the harsh thundering in his chest, the bitter-sweet sound of his father sighing on the other end of the line. He went wrong somewhere again, didn't he?

"Seonghwa… did you get your diploma yet?"

Seonghwa blinked, not once but twice, bewildered. No yelling this time? Instead was he attempting to make small talk? Or was he imagining things…

"Er yeah, I was just waiting for Daeun to get hers."

His adam apple practically bobbed up and down to the unearthly silence between them- no arguments or screaming swallowing them a whole. For once it was pure quiet, though the tension much more concentrated than usual.

His father sighs once more. "As for university, you've been accepted in a mildly good one- they get a lot of entries for business management but they only accept a few lucky ones."

"Where is it at?" His question came immediately, taking not only him but his father by surprise as well.

"It's in Seoul…?"
"Oh God." Seonghwa almost let out a cry of relief as those words left his mouth, an overwhelming sense of reassurance descending over him. He's going to be able to stay here, with Daeun, the two of them will be able to stay with each other.

He couldn't wait to tell her.

"There's a summer programme for it starting next week, you're going to be attending it for the next 3 months."

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