Chapter 70

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i plead every hour that your presence
would bless me once more ❜

Seonghwa groaned as he rested on his hands, cheek flat against it out of tiredness and fatigue

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Seonghwa groaned as he rested on his hands, cheek flat against it out of tiredness and fatigue. He came a bit too early today, he was supposed to be getting a caramel iced latte right now with Yunho but the idiot conveniently had to cancel last minute because he decided to bunk- along with Mingi, Wooyoung and San.

Now he was lonely and without his energy source- his latte.

stupid latte, stupid yunho

He heaved a long, miserable sigh, why was everything in his life going so wrong right now?

Everything happened to be going tragically wrong, and he does not need that right because:
a) he's supposed to be planning his life after graduating high school.
b) he's going to get Daeun back.

And he's more concerned about his point b. Why? Because Daeun is much more important than further education... and because she hates him- which she has every right to but he feels empty without her. There was that connection between them, he can't put his finger on it but there just something that kept them going, and she can't deny it.

He's going to win her back, and he doesn't care.

Tugging at the nest on his head, he twirled a lock of his golden hair around his finger, too deep in thought to listen the loud footsteps just outside the class. However as soon as the person entered the class, he immediately jerks up, the figure jumping back at his sudden movement.


"Yo." Yuta muttered passively, no amused smile or mischievous smirk in sight- rather he seemed pissed.

Seonghwa didn't respond, feeling his blood begin to boil maniacally, jaw unconsciously clenching just at the sight of him. What he did to Daeun was uncalled for and just a straight up dick move, and seeing as she didn't do anything about it, he will.

As Yuta strode past him, immediately Seonghwa got up, his body writhing in absolute rage, he yanked him back by his arm and for a second a look of confusion crossed Yuta's features until it was disrupted by a harsh blow to his cheek.

The hard impact made Yuta stumble back, his back colliding into a set of desks, the shrieks of it making him hiss, a sudden anger pouring out of his face as he impulsively pressed the back of his hand against his cheek, shallow pain throbbing from it. When he met Seonghwa's dark gaze again, all he could see was red.

"You're dead Seonghwa!" He yelled as he got onto his feet, his hands forming balled fists as he advanced towards Seonghwa, nostrils flaring as he breathed heavily through his nose.

About to ram his fist into Seonghwa's face, it backfires when he shoves him roughly, throwing him onto a desk. The two boys were furious, extremely furious. It was as though in that moment they were ready to kill each other.

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