Chapter 66

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Daeun tapped her soles against the floor impatiently, ripe anxiety kicking in the pits of her stomach

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Daeun tapped her soles against the floor impatiently, ripe anxiety kicking in the pits of her stomach. School was starting in a week and she needed to get herself prepared for exam week and the entity that was unwillingly coming her way- aka hatred, slurs, etc.

But instead here she was, shopping with her cousin.


"Hey- oh my fucking god you did not." Daeun closed her eyes, turning away from the older girl who was running to her, an attractive smirk set on her ruby coloured lips. Adorned in a long black trench coat while also wearing a black beanie, mask and sunglasses, she looked slightly suspicious in public. Daeun only groaned, fiddling with the flimsy material of her baby blue jumper.

"What's with that face?" Joohyun stops in front of her, scowling irritatedly.

"You look a bit..." Daeun trailed off, eyeing the girl up and down. She couldn't even describe how embarrassed she was feeling.

"Sexy." Joohyun finished off with a sly wink. Daeun's unsure silence ticks her off, a frustrated groan leaving her lips. "I'm in public, I don't want to be mobbed by crazy fans now while spending time with my baby cuz."

Daeun cringed at her relentless teasing, scrunching up her nose in disgust, she throws the older girl an annoyed look. "Okay fine grandma."

"Call me grandma one more time and watch how I rip both your arms off." Joohyun grumbled, Daeun giggle in response making her unwillingly crack into a smile. "Sooo I have such an amazing plan to get revenge on Seongho!"

"Seonghwa." Daeun corrected. "Revenge is overrated."

"Please Daeun, we both know you want to see him suffer at least a tiny bit."

Daeun sighed tiredly, sometimes she wondered whether she was the mature cousin, despite being 5 years younger. And although Joohyun does act immature at times, she means no harm. Well, no harm for most people.

But no doubt there was that blossoming feeling of anger still blooming in Daeun's heart. Yeah maybe she does want to make him feel bad for the stuff he's done to her- but not revenge. She's trying to be the bigger person at their flop of a relationship.

"Come on Daeun! Pretty please!" Joohyun pouted, ripping her glasses off and taking her hands into her own as she gave the best puppy eyes she could- and she knew Daeun was a sucker for them.

"Not those eyes." She murmured helplessly before groaning, pushing her hands away and crossing them over her chest, the sass making Joohyun snort. "Okay fine, what do you have in mind?"

A smirk lit on Joohyun's lips as she twirled her pure brown locks with her finger. "Follow me."

"Holy- you'd look so fucking hot in blond."

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