Chapter 85

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Daeun immediately whirled around to face him, her panic-filled gaze staring right through him as he too looks down at her, a smug grin painted across his rubescent lips

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Daeun immediately whirled around to face him, her panic-filled gaze staring right through him as he too looks down at her, a smug grin painted across his rubescent lips.

Judging by the fact that he wasn't angry at her, in fact he was smiling at her. Had he forgot that she literally slapped him days ago? Daeun wanted to wish that encountering him was better than being caught but she couldn't.

Her eyes slowly trailed down to the long piece of red ribbon falling from the from crook of his neck down to his waist, her eyes widening as she looks back at him, her feet pulling her back.

He was a seeker.

Seonghwa frowned at her sudden movement. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Daeun repeated in utter disbelief, her arms crossing over her chest as she stares into the abyss in his eyes. Her defiance only made him even more confused. "You can't just act like you care Seonghwa, that's not how it works."

"Then tell me how it works Bae." Seonghwa demanded. He sometimes didn't understand why she acts like things are ok one day and the next she hates him so much that he becomes intolerable. It was only confusing him.

About to hold onto to her hand, Daeun swats it away harshly, a sharp glare penetrating through his head. "I'm not losing because of you."

"You're talking about the game?" Seonghwa deadpanned.

"Have you lost your only brain cell Seonghwa? Yes god damnit I'm talking about hide and seek." She hissed, gritting her teeth together out of irritation. Just how clueless can someone be? She couldn't fathom out his stupidity.

Seonghwa softly smiled at her hostility, typical Daeun to be competitive over a high school game. "So you're supposed be hiding?"

"Well obviously." She sneered, her gaze lingering down to his red sash that only amplified her agitation. One step closer and he could just rip of her tag- ultimately kicking her out of this game.

Seonghwa hummed. "Honestly… I don't really care about this game."

"What?" Daeun snorted, a hand clamping over her mouth as she attempts to muffle her laughter. "Park Seonghwa's competitive ass doesn't want to win? Since when?"

Seonghwa shrugged, inwardly relaxing at her bubbly laughter that radiated warmth. He missed hearing her laugh because of him, seeing her smile because of him. If he had a second chance to have all that again, he wouldn't think twice but grab it.

"Since I lost the only thing that made me competitive." Seonghwa answered truthfully. Daeun's laughter shuts down at his confession.

It was clear he wasn't lying. The only reason Seonghwa did compete was for Bae Daeun, he would win for her and no one else. Ever since his feelings for her got real, he saw the everyone and everything was competition- especially Lucas.

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