Chapter 18

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Daeun stayed put on the couch, watching the time on her phone pass slower than ever

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Daeun stayed put on the couch, watching the time on her phone pass slower than ever. 6:12

Seonghwa hasn't even called yet, making her panic. What if he's stuck in traffic? What if his parents aren't allowing him to go? What if he forgot?!

Daeun abruptly got up, her white trainers tapping against the floor as she hesitantly looked at herself in the mirror. 

Her brown hair is done into a low neat bun with shorter hairs falling out of making it look casual but glam enough. She tucked a hair behind her ear, assuring herself that her make up gives a clean finish to her outfit.

Her nails are painted a dusty pink to make it stand out a bit more and her lips the same shade.

Picked up a black beret, she carefully placed it on her head, trying not to mess up her bun. A shaky sigh left her lips as she sees it's nearly 6:15 and Seonghwa is still not here.

Suddenly a notification popped up on her phone making her immediately open it.

i'm here

She quickly rushed out of her apartment after turning off all the lights except the hallway one. Unfortunately her gift for Seonghwa is set to come on new years eve.

So she made sure it's being delivered to his house instead.

She pressed the lift button, patting her skirt down rushingly. After the lift door opened she walked inside and pressed ground floor, jittering with excitement.

Yet an anxious feeling is lurking somewhere under that.

Surely Seonghwa's parents can't be as bad as he described them, he exaggerates a lot of things too. Once the doors opened, she exited the lift and soon she left the building.

Seonghwa leaned on his new car his parents had 'gifted' for him for Christmas. Meaning he just told them he's buying a car and they gave him money. They never actually attempted to give him a gift.

It happens every holiday after his mother died, so he's pretty much used to it.

In his hands was a gift bag and a bouquet of roses for Daeun, it moving side to side in the harsh wind that pushed against him.

His eyes wandered around the area, it looks different on Christmas. There's colourful lights hanging on the lanterns, it dazzled under the pale sky.

He scoffed, his dad didn't even bother to decorate the mansion, no the only thing he got was a fucking tree.

Which he didn't even put up.

Seonghwa's gloomy thoughts had immediately vanished in a brief second. His eyes widening and his mouth hung half open, hand gripping the gift bag.

Daeun walked towards him, a cheerful smile on her lips. She looks stunning, he thought before a smirk took over his lips.

Well this is going to be fun.

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