Chapter 98

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Seonghwa sat beside Daeun on the sofa, eyes all puffed up and red along with his cheeks that were still moist with fresh tears

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Seonghwa sat beside Daeun on the sofa, eyes all puffed up and red along with his cheeks that were still moist with fresh tears. He was staring at the white wall with a blank expression, a lack of emotion clear. It was as if he had cried out everything that was slowly bottled up within him.

Daeun had her palms pressed against her eyes, legs crossed as quietness overwhelms them. She was frustrated and irritated. But also upset, just like Seonghwa.

"You're going business school?" She asked once again, still not being able to believe anything he had just poured out to her.

"Straight after high school." He confirmed with a murmur.

"But is it still in Korea?" She questioned again, and this time there was a hint of indistinct worry laced in her hushed tone.

"I don't think so."

It wasn't supposed to affect her and it didn't... well it didn't affect her but then it sort of did.
Yes after high school she expects that everyone would go their own ways and that includes him and her, yet, she can't imagine him leaving her just like that.

It was embarrassing really but Seonghwa promised to have her just like she has him.

And he won't be able to do that if he's gone, then his time is gone too.

Seonghwa couldn't understand what was with her sudden quietness. Why was she silent? Shouldn't she be celebrating that he will finally be gone from her life within over month? Couldn't she just flash him a damn smile already, to prove she was content.

And yet, none of those things came. In fact, Bae Daeun was frowning, the sudden enlargement of her lips only adding to his confusion. She was sad...?

"Shouldn't you be happy? I'll finally be gone and you can spend the rest of your life with Lucas." He couldn't help with the bitter overload in his voice, irritated by the fact that she did go out with him yet; there was nothing he could do but be angry.

But he must've also been right. After all he was too late and his time has definitely come to an end. There was absolutely no way that their date went wrong, absolutely not, the two have to be dating now.

As much as it pained him, he had to accept the fact that she was basically gone. She was Lucas' and Lucas was hers.

Daeun merely raised her brows, removing her clammy palms from her eyes as she blinks herself to reality, his blurry image sniffling right beside her. "Rest of my life? What the hell are you talking about?"

Seonghwa exhaled irritatedly. "Don't lie to me, you went on a date, it probably went well and now you're dating that ugly fucker."

This bitch-

Now Daeun had exhaled with a more intense irritation. "You have bigger matters to worry about, so just shut up about Yukhei."

"You call him Yukhei now?! So I was right, you are dating!"
One of Park Seonghwa's most recently developed coping mechanisms was diverting the subject away from him- even though he adored constant attention. Nevertheless just change it to someone he hates and bam he could be rambling the whole day and be forgetting all his problems within moments.

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