Chapter 23

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As everyone grumbles next to Daeun, she grits her teeth from lashing out, it clenching hard against her gum

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As everyone grumbles next to Daeun, she grits her teeth from lashing out, it clenching hard against her gum. Her plan's already going to shit.

"Why did you even invite those fuckers?" Lucas mumbles, checking the time once again on his phone as they wait outside the auditorium, shivering violently at the cold weather.

"Whatever Somin's in there waiting for us so we're going in, we'll save you a seat." Jiwoo says, clicking her tongue in annoyance as she drags Taeyong and Jaehyun inside, Lucas on the other hand decides to wait with Daeun.

She completely dismisses Yuta and just walks in without another look.

Yuta sighs, standing in line with the pair, "There's 5 minutes left and I think I might get frostbite."

"Wait just 2 minutes and I swear we'll go-"

Hearing cars rev and drive down outside the school gates, makes them all quiet before sighing in relief. Finally the 8 guys rush in, muttering an apology for being almost half an hour late.

"I would've been happier to know your car fell off a cliff rather than waiting in this weather." Lucas comments bitterly, watching Seonghwa wrap an arm around Daeun's waist, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah well I'd be more than happy if you'd shut your mouth. Would you like me to sow it or rip out your tongue?" Seonghwa retorts and the two exchange a deadly stare between each other as Daeun chuckles nervously.

Maybe this wasn't a good plan.

"Can we go in already, the wind is ruining my hair." Yuta deadpans, annoyed that he's in the middle of a petty fight. Hands shoved in pockets, he strode in, everyone else following him cluelessly.

"Damn Chittaporns got an audience." Mingi laughs as they enter the theatre-like hall filled with navy seats that went down and the huge stage up ahead.

They sauntered down the steps, seeing Taeyong throwing weird signals to them in the middle. The 7 boys sat behind Jiwoo, Somin, Taeyong and Jaehyun whereas Yuta, Seonghwa, Daeun and Lucas sat in the row in front.

Trying to keep a war at bay, Daeun sat in the middle of Seonghwa and Lucas who did nothing but pass insults at each other.

"Why don't you shove your hands up your mouth Lucas? Your voice is fucking annoying me. Oh wait are they too big?"

"Why don’t you go outside and play, hide and go fuck yourself in the cold?"

"I gladly will, right after I fuck you up-"

"Can you both be quiet!" Daeun whisper-yells, making both the boys clamp both their mouths shut at the outburst while Yuta watched from beside Seonghwa.

"You're such a vibe killer Daeun." Yuta scoffs, shaking his head in disappointment as she scowls, "I need some popcorn for this show."

"Yeah Lucas, you heard the man go get him some popcorn and while you're at it get me some thread and a needle."

"Why? So you can sow your mouth shut? Cos I fuckin will."

"Ooh it's starting." Taeyong grins, lightly shaking Daeun's shoulders from behind as the lights suddenly turn off and the stage lights brighten.

"This is going to be a long night." Seonghwa groans, head falling onto Daeun's shoulder lazily as she starts caressing his hair somewhat soothingly.

Throughout the performance, Jaehyun and Taeyong had their phones out recording Ten's parts like proud parents while Jiwoo and and the boys behind her cheered him on.

As Ten's lips met with the girl who's playing as Juliet, the hall erupts into a series of applause, cheering them on as Seonghwa watched ahead, bored.

His head nuzzled into the corner of Daeun's neck, hand resting on her stomach, almost rubbing it.

"I'm going to go get some popcorn." Yuta yawns, obviously bored as he observes everyone around him chomping on their popcorn.

Standing up, he paced through the seats, stepping on everyone's toes causing them to mutter darkly but he didn't give a shit.

Seonghwa saw this as a chance to go speak to him privately, getting up he said he's going to the bathroom before he walked past the seats, stalking Yuta.

Eyeing her boyfriend's sudden mood change, Daeun sighs, inching closer to Lucas who partially felt lonely.

His breath caught his throat as Daeun leans her arm on his arm rest, eyes fixed on the show in front of her.

The corner of his lips lifted into a smile, he shuffles closer to her as Taeyong's eyes narrow at him. His suspicion has been confirmed.

As Seonghwa scurried down to the entrance of the auditorium, hand brushing through his curly hair, he spots Yuta filling up some popcorn.

Breathing in a shallow breath, he straightened his back before striding down to him- looking more confident than he should.

Yuta eyed his friend suspiciously, his sharp eyes gleaming with interest, "Wassup?"

"Wassup? Wassup with you and Daeun?" Seonghwa snarls, halting in front of him threateningly, barely an inch apart.

Yuta smirks amusingly, how much shit has he missed in the last 2 months, "Why do you care?"

"I'm her boyfriend man, I do care."

"Oh really?"

Yuta's smirk widens, arm settling loosely around Seonghwa's arm. He leans closer to his ear, whispering, "Daeun's your little bet Seonghwa."

Immediately his breathing hitched, shock evident on his face, he shoves him off with a glare, "What the fuck are you saying? Who told you this bullsh-"

"It's facts not bullshit- but don't worry I won't tell anyone." Yuta winks, a mischievous grin etched on his lips, "Besides I barely even know her and I'm not planing to."

Seonghwa stepped back, hands cupping his cheeks nervously, his adam apple bobbing up and down, "You made Wooyoung tell you didn't you?"

"Eh sort of, he's really easy to manipulate by the way." Yuta chuckles, "But just because I know doesn't mean you should go easy on Daeun, break that bitch's heart."

Seonghwa nods slowly, stomach lurching at the sudden tone change in his voice, it just went from amused to pissed within seconds.

Glancing at a smug Yuta, he couldn't help but feel there's something he isn't telling him.

He scoffs in response, pulling himself up, "Watch me break her heart."

what does yuta know?? 👀

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what does yuta know?? 👀

also let's all support mingi :((
after reading about the anxiety he's been facing I really hope he's doing good 😔❤

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