Chapter 91

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Daeun had arrived back to her class 30 minutes late

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Daeun had arrived back to her class 30 minutes late. All because Park Seonghwa had flirted with her relentlessly and she would try to hit him every time he did, thus after hearing his last obnoxiously corny lines she left promptly.

"You're my Seoul mate y'know."

"I know you searched that up Park Seonghwa."

The guy was an absolute distraction- a bad one to make matters worse.

"Sorry I'm late Mr Lee." Daeun had done a full 90° bow as soon as she entered the classroom, her cheeks burning pink at the utter embarrassment she felt.

Mr Lee chuckled in amusement, nodding at her to go to her seat. "It's fine Daeun! Yeosang will run you up on the stuff we've started- he is also your partner for your last high school project!"

Partner?! What?!

A forced smile etched on her glossed lips as she nods eagerly, slowly making her way to her shared desk, a smug Yeosang patiently waiting for her arrival.

"I'm assuming the situation has been cleared up."

"Yes and I'm gonna say this one last time, you're a dick and you're not getting any more of your shit done by me." Daeun murmured as quietly as she could, sliding into her seat with ease while Yeosang watched with his hawk-like gaze.

"Well that was two things but anyhoo." He cleared his throat, plastering a sarcastic smile onto his thin lips. "We have a project to start."

Daeun groaned, slapping her palms over her eyes. Doing a project with Yeosang was like working by yourself except there was a an ear-piercing noise playing in the background- and Yeosang was that noise. "What are we supposed to do?"

"Nothing much, we just have to make a 3 minute piece which have to include both our own instruments while also writing down the piece for the both of us." He paused for a second. "Oh and you can't be taking in any inspiration."

"Great, just great." Daeun huffed. "So can we do it in sc-"

"In my house." Yeosang answered with an eerily low chuckle, a demonic edge to his nonchalant tone. 

Her mind went adrift for a moment, heart halting along with her thoughts before beating again uncontrollably, panic beginning to overwhelm her. The thought of going over to Yeosang's place was alarming and truthfully blood-curdling. She cannot be in a room with that male by herself for God knows how long- even if her life depended on it.

"Yeah no." She smiled sarcastically. "Let's do it here, in school."

"Yeah no." Yeosang imitated with the same sarcasm. "Which idiot would want to spend another minute in this hell?"

He's… He's got a point.
But would she rather spend another hour here than maybe 5 hours in his home? Yes, a definite yes that she would say without another thought.

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