Chapter 95

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That's what Daeun was for the whole morning during homeroom, continuously glaring at Yuta- who was growing irritated with her moodiness and the eight males who didn't dare turn around, knowing damn well that she wasn't in the right state of mind.

She was ready to go on a killing spree.
Obviously still contemplating if Seonghwa or Yeosang should be the first to go. 

But as soon the bell rang loudly above their heads, she quickly left, shoving past Seonghwa who immediately takes two steps to the side, away from her.

What was his main motive today?
To not make his future girlfriend pissed at him… again. And he will do so with such bitter reluctance.

Daeun strode through the long hallways, dim lights absorbing her pale skin, creating a light glow to it while her blond hair dances with her strides. The amount of looks she was receiving was uncountable, whether it be brief or a lengthy stare everyone still looked at her as if she were the worst enemy. It was amusing really, it made her hate Seonghwa passionately.

Just as she turned the corner, her eyes take in the tall male stood outside her locker, pacing around it with obvious panic making Daeun exhale softly, her aggressive strides now small footsteps as she made her way to him.

"Hey Yukhei." Daeun smiled slightly, all worries vanishing the moment she's with him. Lucas stopped pacing for a second as he was met with the smiling girl, his heart thumping rapidly at the sight of her.

Hearing his actual name roll off her tongue so beautifully didn't flood him with insecurities anymore. He was actually relieved when hearing it from her. It gave him a sense of place and care around her. "Hey elsa."

His words were a complete murmur and that's when Daeun realised he wasn't even looking at her. He was staring at the floor while his cheeks completely blazed pink.

His hands were also shaking behind his back, hiding something from her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked quietly, her eyes still flicking to what hid behind him.

"No! I mean… yes sort of…?" He trailed off awkwardly quiet.

"Tell me."

"Well you see… you're sort of a problem- no wait issue! Ah no that's not right either." Lucas wailed, gripping the roots of his raven hair with aggravation, his other hand still behind his back making Daeun roll her eyes.

"What's the problem Yukhei?"

"Wait whatever I'm about to say, you can't say anything until I allow you to. Okay?" Lucas peered into her eyes with anticipation making Daeun sigh but nonetheless she nods. It was probably something silly because well it is the Wong Yukehi.

Lucas sucks in a long, shaky breath, his gaze quickly running over the group's of students minding their own business as they walked past, laughing, talking and whatnot. Finally he finds the courage to be staring back into Daeun's baby like eyes, the innocent roundness to it adding the obvious curiosity she felt.

He lets out a short exhale before finally bringing his hand in front of her, Daeun's eyes widening at what was enclosed in it.

A rose.
Layers of scarlet petals round it, the long vacant stem a dark emerald colour.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

And finally, the breath had been officially knocked out of Daeun.

She take a back everything she just thought, this wasn't silly. It was cute.

To be honest… Daeun did expect him to ask sooner, especially since its been almost 2 months since his confession, and the fact that their competitions for scholarships and apprenticeships were right around the corner.

But you know what they say, there's no time like the present. It was honestly so cute to see him flustered over such a question.

Daeun gladly takes the flower from him, her lips lifted into a wide smile.

"Is that a yes or a no?" He asked, still flustered and red.

"Am I allowed to speak now?"

"Er yeah sorry of course!"

Daeun giggled, taking a step closer so that she was right against him, her arms hooking around his neck making a light smile appear on his lips, immediately responding with his hand loosely gripping her waist.

The scarlet petals tickled the back of his neck lightly, their warm breaths being their solace as Daeun tilts her head to the side, her plump lips etching into a soft smile.

"I'll go on a date with you, Yukhei."

Now the corners of his lips lifted into the biggest grin ever, his white teeth on show in front of her making her laugh, her cheek pressing against his chest as he whispered sweet words into her ear.

And from the end of the hallway, Seonghwa watched them, a sullen sigh escaping his parted lips at the sight of Lucas running his fingers through her strands while smiling down at her lovingly. He finally turns around so reluctantly.

From there he walks away, his gaze on the floor as he does.

lucas finally got the guts toask elsa out :D

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lucas finally got the guts to
ask elsa out :D

but hwa walking away even
made me sad 😭

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