Chapter 107

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" i will always be happy for you
even though you weren't meant for me "

Without a single doubt, Seonghwa had wilfully kept his promise. He stood grinning uncontrollably outside her classroom, bobbing up and down with evident excitement, unable to resist the temptation of his lips wanting to swing up. He couldn't stop smiling as overwhelming ecstasy fills him up, as though he was on cloud nine.

It was a small thing but it essentially sang progress to his ears.

As Daeun soundlessly steps out of the room, Seonghwa straightens instantly, coolness replacing his excitement.

"Oh there you are." She couldn't resist a smile from plastering across her lips once she sees him leaned against the wall, his own smile making her stomach do flips and turns. "How was practice?"

"It was fine, Hongjoong was a bit more strict than usual."

Hongjoong? Being strict? Not something she heard everyday. "Why?"

"Something about competitions coming closer and closer while we're still very unprepared." Seonghwa grumbled, a stressed sigh leaving his lips as he thinks about how much work they have to do, to get where they want to. But even so, he knows he'll be going business school and will eventually be the CEO of Park Corporations. While his friends… they'll be living a dream.

He couldn't lie that he wasn't a tad envious.

"You guys have Yunho, San and Wooyoung. I bet you'll be fine." Daeun easily shrugged off, not feeling at unease knowing how the trio were excellent dancers and probably will be the standard for the next generation.

"I hope so…" Seonghwa mumbled with a pout.

"Chill Seonghwa, stop being a distressed roach." She sneered, the repeated term bringing a subtle smile to his lips

They walked out of the school gates, the golden sun bathing down into their skin flawlessly as they shone. Seonghwa, who was watching Daeun press an earphone into her right ear, quickly takes the other and places into his left making her gawk at him.

"You don't even like the classics, so why listen?"

He only winked. "Whatever you like, I like."

She scoffed in disgust and somewhat cringe, such phrases like that wanted to make her backhand him. But then again it is Park Seonghwa we're talking about. The boy was the definition of a flirt and the absolute epitome of cringe.

How she wanted to throw up.

"Is that… Lucas?" Seonghwa trailed off uninterestedly, squinting at the tall figure at the bus stop and at the same time Daeun's gaze instantly snaps up, eyes widening when she realises it really was Yukhei.

"Oh no." Her words were a complete murmur, panic laced in her tone. He was staring at them in surprise, disbelief and what seemed like… disappointment.

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