Chapter 17

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"Just head over for Christmas dinner

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"Just head over for Christmas dinner." Daeun's mother pleads on Facetime, watching her daughter cook food all on her own, "I'll tell your cousin to pick you up, she's coming with her parents tomorrow."

"Mum it's my first Christmas somewhere other than there." Daeun states, pouring herself sprite into a cup with a wide grin spread across her lips, "I'll see you guys soon though."

"But you're going to be all alone." Her mum pouts, tracing her finger on the phone as she watches Daeun stir the bowl. She can't believe her daughter has grown up into a marvellous young woman, even through all the hurdles and obstacles she's made it.

And now she's searching for herself.

"Nope, I'll be with a friend." Daeun grins, and her mum smiles finally seeing how happy she is after leaving the city.

She's smiling genuinely after months of heartache.

Daeun has decided that may be at some point she'll introduce Seonghwa to her parents, over facetime of course. But not now, she needs time to organise everything.

"Your cousin keeps on asking me when are you going to meet her." Her mum sighs annoyedly, Daeun chuckles nervously in response, immediately taking a seat as she looks down at her hands waiting for her mum to start her lecture, "She's getting pretty upset over it Daeun-ah."

"She's famous though, even if I do meet up with her she'll probably leave after 5 minutes." Daeun scowls, fumbling with her fingers while thinking about her. She sighs, mumbling under breath, "Spoilt little shit."

"She's your cousin which means she's family honey." Daeun's mum explains, running a hand through her hair and effortlessly making it look more nice, "Anyways call me tomorrow, it's Christmas!"

"Yes yes go sleep it's nearly 11." Daeun chuckles, and her mum smiles, bidding goodbye before hanging up.

As soon as her mum hanged up she finished off the rest of her food before washing the dishes and at last, her day is over. After cleaning everything up she moved to her bathroom before pulling herself to her room.

Heavy breaths left her mouth as she lazily dragged herself into her room, flopping backwards onto her bed she took her phone out of her pocket, opening it and moving onto the phone app.

She smacked her lips together before pressing on HWA.

Meanwhile Seonghwa grinned as he laid on his bed when he sees “💩” light up on his screen.

"1... 2... 3… 4… 5…" He mumbles, clicking on the accept button.

One thing he learnt by dating was always count to five before answering the phone, you don't want to seem desperate but not too laid back.

"Hey." Daeun smiles, and she bit her lower lip wondering what Seonghwa is doing on Christmas night.

"Hey bae bae." Seonghwa breathes, his voice raspy and low making Daeun squeal before covering her mouth, "I miss you."

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