Chapter 67

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The two weeks passed with ease… well sort of

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The two weeks passed with ease… well sort of.

The first week was traumatic for Daeun, especially on the 14th. There were a lot of tears, yelling and most of all fuelled anger. She couldn't believe she got through it- with a certain someone stalking behind her. However when the second week had turned it's as if she had slowly transitioned into a different person; a person with blonde hair.

Not only had her hair changed but Joohyun had also binge bought make up, clothes etc for her. Early birthday presents she quoted.

She was no longer heartbroken and sad Bae Daeun.

A slight smile formed on Daeun's plump pink lips, the usual cherry red stain now replaced with a peach pink hue, the gloss glimmering under the natural sunlight. She felt good.

Her long lashes batted elegantly as she trudged through the morning streets- just metres away from the intimidating school that casted a long shadow overhead. The gusty air pushed against her while the sun cascaded orange into her pale complexion, a sense of purity radiating off her.

Fingertips digging deep into the material of her coat, an incessant pounding rang in her ears as she whipped around, her ponytail hitting the side of her cheek.

She was met with the sight of a screaming Lucas, a finger pointing at her hair.

"Holy shit! Bae Daeun that's you?! Fucking hell what have you done?! A-Are you wearing make up?! Holy shit man!"

He halted in front of her abruptly, panting heavily, his hands resting against his knees while Daeun remained tight-lipped, her hand unconsciously smoothing her fluffy hair.

"It's ugly isn't it?"

Lucas jerked up, back as straight as a tree, a pink hue painting across his cheeks.

She looks stunning.

"I-I no! Of course not e-elsa! Ahaha you got her hair." Lucas chuckled awkwardly, his blush darkening when Daeun frowns at him. She looked so damn intimidating in that hair.

"Are you oka- nevermind you're never okay."

Daeun trailled off, turning back around, her locks unintentionally whipping the taller boy's chest and immediately his eyes widened, his fingers twitching by his side at the urge to touch it. His thoughts were cut loose as Daeun continued walking down the pavement, her hair bouncing up and down behind her along with her bag.

She seemed so… happy?

"Hey wait up!" Lucas called, snapping out of his question in thoughts as he ran after the girl. "How was your holiday? Are you feeling better?"

"Wong Yukhei, I am feeling sooo much better." Daeun smiled naturally, her mind blocking out all thoughts about Seonghwa. Who even is Park Seonghwa?

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