Chapter 103

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eid mubarak to those who celebrated <3

The steady pace of their breathing accompanied the two as they sat quietly on the bench. Her fingers were subtly shaking against the gritty material of the coffee cup, now finally being hit with the realisation that she ended her and Lucas' relationship. Daeun had finally said no to him.

Seonghwa, despite barely understanding what had even happened, had sat with her, happily offering her his company with no words being shared. For once, she was in discomfort and he was ready to assist with whatever she needed.

This time, it was about her.

"Did he at least take it well?" Seonghwa asked rather quietly, still uneasy if he should even be intruding like this. He didn't mean it with a… deceitful intention, he just wanted to help.

"He was considerably more mature than I expected him to be, I hope he's okay though." Daeun answered with a murmur, although, under her cold exterior she was overjoyed with the fact that he took it in such a way that it didn't even seem like they were 'breaking up.' She was thoroughly shocked by his level-headed reaction.

"Oh… what about you? Are you okay?"

The question nearly took her by surprise- stunned by the fact that he asked her that even though she wasn't the one massively hurt. Nevertheless, her rigid composure said otherwise.

"I'm okay Seonghwa." Daeun responded quietly, swinging her legs back and forth habitually as this familiar warmth spreads through her chest, engulfing her in a sweet feeling.

A sullen sigh left her lips as she finally stood up, effortlessly chucking the cup into the bin before rubbing her hands together. "I need to go."

Seonghwa frowned momentarily, looking up at her distant gaze. She seemed so far away yet physically she was right in front of him, staring at nothing particular as she anxiously ran her fingertips up and down her arm- deeply thinking about something.

"Do you want me to come?"

"No it's fine, I… I need to go practice."
It wasn't exactly a lie, the so-called 'competition' was exactly three weeks away and to say she was unprepared was an understatement. She was too busy trying to solve her personal life than being occupied with her school work. It was unusual of her because Daeun was always one to engaged in school and studies.

Which is why she needs to bring that back in track before she does anything else.

"Shouldn't you be practicing your dance and singing?" She asked with raised brows, confused with his unmotivated form. Everyone around them was panicking about the upcoming trials, they were either seen revising or practicing while Seonghwa was always lounging around, doing nothing, watching his own group practice to their hearts content.

"There's no point." Seonghwa sighed, tilting his head back to somehow avoid her expected nagging.

Daeun scowled. "I get that it's not been the greatest couple of days for you Seonghwa but you need to get your head straight, you could actually get a scholarship or even better, you could become a trainee. So instead of being a miserable roach go practice with your friends."

A sly smile tugged at the corner of his lips, amused by her name calling.

"What if I don't want to practice but I want to be with you?"

"Yeah no fuck off."

He laughed lightly in response as she takes a step away from him, shooting him a dirty look.

"If I go practice…" Seonghwa started sly, a smug smirk growing on his perfect lips as he caresses his chin, eyes glued to her narrowed eyes. "What's in it for me?"

Daeun didn't realise she had let out the breath she had kept in, irritation sprouting in her mind. The absolute audacity this man had was indeed shocking- and his apparent superiority complex wasn't helping him.

"There's a possibility you could get the top grade…?"

Seonghwa shook his head adamantly, the smug upturn of his lips making her feel internally troubled- he's up to something. Seonghwa leans against his palm, still not looking away from Daeun as she begins to feel awkwardly out of place.

"What do I definitely get though?"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you want." Daeun exhaled tiredly, crossing her arms over her chest with a stern look on her face. If he asks for something stupid she swears on all the readers lives that she will send him flying to Mars.

Seonghwa simply turned his head to the side, lightly tapping his cheek.

No fucking way.

"I swear I am going to slap you to-" Daeun furiously rolled up her sleeve, balling up her fist as she dangerously advances, ready to physically do something.

Until she clumsily tripped over his feet.

Before either of them could comprehend the fall, Daeun had plummeted down to her knees- harshly scraping them against the rough concrete, stinging pain spreading through the turning red cuts.

Daeun hissed as soon as she hit the ground, her palms slamming against it to stop her from dropping forwards into her face. Soon she looked up, glaring at the gulping male in front of her- his cheeks flaming rouge… out of embarrassment?

And that's when she realised why.

His legs were parted with her basically kneeled… in between them. If she were to look straight and not up at his face then… she would've seen something she doesn't want to see.

Quickly, she scrambled onto her feet, eyes glued on his flawless face the entire time as her cheeks raged with pink.

"Go practice, I'll see you later." She forced out a bit too quickly as she reluctantly kept her eyes trained on him- to show she didn't feel anything after that humiliating moment yet her red cheeks told otherwise.

"Fine but I'll still be expecting that kiss." Seonghwa prompted coolly, embarrassment leaving his expression, he blows her a fly kiss with a cheeky wink, provoking a deep sigh from Daeun as she starts to walk away from him- ignoring whatever he had just said.

Perhaps it was okay to say that their already building relationship was blossoming into something more.

finalementtt i've been waitingto write a happy moment forthem after so long 😳

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finalementtt i've been waiting
to write a happy moment for
them after so long 😳

is there any particular scene
u guys want to see happen-

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