Chapter 109

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" i sometimes think of the ways you broke me
was it worth it? "

A week passes by and everyday Daeun and Seonghwa walked home together. After the third day he didn't bother asking anymore, he would always show up to her class as soon as the clock struck 5 and from there on he would drop her off to the bus stop.

It was becoming their unsaid routine really, and neither of the two seemed to mind despite their useless bickering and relentless irritation with each other, presumably with Seonghwa.

But neither of them would ask for anything less.

In a way, it was somewhat soothing when they were with each other. No overwhelming stress over exams, no worry for the future it was just... them?

Daeun sighed at the very thought, why was it that whenever she was with him the pent up stress and anxiety always releases? And in the end, she was always happy with him even if she never showed it.

She was confused with herself, the stupid thumps of her heart every time she was around him and the butterflies that practically swarmed her stomach whenever he purposely did something to make her smile. Just how could one boy change her outlook on life?

And just how could this boy suddenly flip her world on its axis.

In the early hours of Monday morning, the bright sun essentially showered warmth into her milky skin, happily welcoming her into summers embrace. Baby blue spread through the limitless sky, clear of any clouds. It was purely clear, a sign of a summer to remember.

As Daeun entered the school building, gently plucking her earphones out of her ears, she was instantly met with a chorus of whispers and a circus of curious stares.

"She's dating Seonghwa again?"
"I swear she was hoe-ing around with Lucas."
"Hongjoong told me she killed her friend though."
"What a slut."
"Let her be happy man, who cares?"
"I care! Seonghwa's too good for her."
"Shut up."
"I thought she was just a bet though...?"

Panic internally grasped onto her every inch of her soul, frantically dragging her into a sea of insecurity. The déjà vu was becoming all too real once again as though the past was suddenly springing back into her mind.

"I'm breaking up with you Bae Daeun."

"You see babe this was all just a bet. You were our bet."

"You were nothing to me."

Oh God no.
She doesn't want to remember those harsh words that brought her despair; on that dreadful day Seonghwa had officially lost her, all to a stupid bet.

And of course, she's beginning to acknowledge the obvious changes in him and his attitude towards her. He wasn't the Park Seonghwa who broke up with her that day, he was someone else now. Someone who actually cares for her now. Someone better just for her.

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