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" there's many things that are eternal
and ours is the best "

━━ ateez, eternal sunshine

"Anything else?"
"I don't think so…"
"Yuta I don't get why you're here, you're useless and hungover."

Yuta scowled at Daeun tiredly, picking up another bag of her clothes and walking to towards the elevator, her following him with a tight-lipped smile.

Yeosang was already downstairs, probably talking with the taxi driver and Daeun's mother as he waited for the two.

The week had essentially zoomed past them, the 7 days, 168 hours felt way too short, especially because she had a lot of fun. Her last week was spent with her parents, Seonghwa and her friends- Yuta and Yeosang especially. Yeosang mostly tagged along with wherever she went while Yuta was shockingly clingy and even more grumpy, always coming over to her apartment with unhealthy takeaway and saying "you won't get delicacies like here in England."

Last night was her "pre-departure" party, organised by the one and only Kim Hongjoong who basically just ordered heavenly food and alcohol for her claiming it would be hilariously amusing for her to throw up on the plane to London. It'll be a "lovely" memory she quotes. But even so, it was one of the best nights of her senior life. There was a lot of karaoke… Seonghwa's singing was captivating by the way, even though he was tipsy. There was also a quite a few funny and cute pre-departure words from the lot of them. To an extent it was heart-warming…

"I'll always remember you as the girl who danced with me in that party…  you weren't a good dancer by the way." San fake sobbed while tightly hugging her.

"I'll always remember you as the beautiful girl who worked hard to get to where she is now." Taeyong thoughtfully smiled, ruffling her hair with tears beginning to blur his vision.

"I'll always remember you as the girl who managed to make The Park Seonghwa fall in love." Wooyoung managed to slur, wide-eyed as if he was still in disbelief while Daeun stood in front of him, smile rigid and blinking.

"You honestly made my senior year the best year ever in that hell, I'm happy I met you elsa- fuck I'm gonna cry man." Yukhei sniffled, rubbing his palms on his eyes as he was indeed crying. She held him in her arms, rocking the tall boy side to side as she laughed forcefully to not seem sad, though nostalgic tears clambered in the corner of her eyes.

"Let's just say, I don't exactly love you but I guess I'll miss you." Mingi muttered with red painting across his cheeks, earning a small smile from Daeun but before she could move onto the next person Yunho comes from behind, pulling them both into a big with her reluctantly sandwhiched between them. Yunho happily mumbles something along the lines of "yay we're all friends now." Jongho merely shrugs at them before joining in on the group hug, his strong arms circling around them.

NOTHING TO YOU. seonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now