Chapter 50

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"It's been 2 days, no calls or texts I really thought you were dead

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"It's been 2 days, no calls or texts I really thought you were dead." Jiwoo mumbled with a prominent pout plastered on her pinkish lips. She was obviously annoyed with the fact that Daeun basically went mia for the last couple of days without giving her a heads up, "Literally, try hanging out with a group of annoying boys who can't go by a second without getting into a fight. And me being the only sane one I-"

"I can hear you, you know."

A husky voice grumbled out from behind the two girls and immediately Jiwoo inhaled a sharp breath, "Does it look like I give a fuck Yuta?"

Yuta sneered sarcastically, "Do you ever Jiwoo?"

"Not when it comes to y-"

"Anyways how are you Yuta?" Daeun smiled, whipping around to face the dark-eyed boy. She knows he isn't really fond of her, and he possibly may hate her but that won't stop her from at least trying to be friends.

"Bad. You should've taken another day off." Yuta mumbled darkly, loud enough for her to hear, slouching back down into his crossed arms with closed eyes. His tone was somewhat condescending and irritated but that didn't stop Daeun from smiling as she turned back to meet Jiwoo's questioning gaze.

"What's got you so happy?" She asked as quietly as she could, making sure Yuta or no one else around them could here. Daeun shrugged.

"I don't know… I guess I just feel happy."

"Or is it because of your annoying ass boyfriend?" Jiwoo narrowed her eyes at Seonghwa who was too busy laughing obnoxiously with his group of minions to even notice her judging expression. Daeun giggled at that, "Speaking of your boyfriend I heard he also skipped yesterday. I wonder why? Did you guys hav-"

"Shh." Daeun cut her off, wide eyed and embarrassed as she grabbed Jiwoo by her shoulders. Jiwoo arched a brow, her face contorting into disgust and horror, she shook off the embarrassed girl and lowered herself away from her.

"When I said 'don't have too much fun' I actually meant it." Jiwoo hissed at her quietly but still full of venom. Daeun groaned, running a hand through her undone hair out of distress.

"We did nothing, we literally just spent the last couple of days together."

"Oh please cut the cra-"


For a second, she sword the hairs on the back of her neck stood up at the high-pitched squeals coming in her direction from across the room, her mind was screaming danger, danger, abort now! Because the two people coming her way were inseparable and dangerous. Well that's what she started to think after they stole her bus pass.

"Ugh." Jiwoo groaned from beside the frozen girl, her sharp glare piercing into the two guys who skipped to Daeun, smiles on their faces.

Smiles meant trouble.

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