Chapter 78

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"Hey partner

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"Hey partner."

"Hi Yuta." Daeun smiled, slipping into her seat and casually bumping her legs into his. It was sort of their thing now. A scoff leaves the growling boy's lips but he doesn't say anything this time, instead he attempts to claw off the lid to his apple juice- the one a moody Seonghwa had thrown at him this morning.

"The damn thing won't open!" Yuta hissed and Daeun giggled. It was just a matter of time before clouds of smoke pump out of his ears.

Over the last few weeks, the two had surprisingly gotten on well- as in Yuta didn't try to start arguments with her anymore nor did he call her a 'killer'. Daeun never really had anything against the once intimidating boy, she just disliked the aura he put on when in reality he was a soft ball to the people he loved.

They still had their awkward moments, specifically Yuta who found it hard to be willingly nice to Daeun when all he wanted to do was make fun of her hair. He'd rather be awkward with her but for some reason, she knows how to make the atmosphere relaxed and frankly comfortable.

"Here let me help you." Daeun chuckled, taking the bottle into her small hands which Yuta gave with a pitiful huff. Adjusting her fingers around the lid while also holding the centre of the bottle, she easily manages to twist it off, Yuta's jaw dropping wide open.

"I- huh?!" He yells, attracting immediate attention from the people around the pair. Daeun quietly apologises while Yuta snatched the drink out of her hands, peering at it with disgust as if it's some possessed thing.

"Is she dating Yuta now? What a slag." A girl snickered to her friend, desks away from the pair. Daeun becomes rigid at the taunting laugh.

just simply ignore them

"Guess he's gotten basic, just like Seonghwa." Her short-haired friend laughed, the high pitch of it wanting to make Daeun slam her head into the table repeatedly. Gosh, why couldn't people mind their business nowadays? Have they really gotten that bored?

"What did you say?"

Daeun internally cursed at the sound of Yuta's voice penetrating through the obnoxious chatter in the room, the irritation in his tone so noticeable that the two girl at the front stilled, awkwardly meeting his deathly gaze.

Seonghwa listened to the commotion from the front, a small smirk creeping on his lips. Yuta will not let them slip away from his grasp so easily.

"I- uh w-we didn't sa-say anything!" The first girl squeaked, her friend looking away as if she wasn't involved in the first place.

A tsk left Yuta's lips, his tongue poking on the inside of his cheek as he briefly shakes his head in disbelief. Teenage girls these days- so out of control.

"Is that all you can do? Lie? Tch how pathetic." Yuta looked away out of disgust. "Say it to her face bitch."

Now that caught everyone's attention.

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