Chapter 111

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it's currently 2am and i'm
sitting at the river thames with
my friend just watching the
river ashghsgagdhs

plz i love him he bought me
coffee anddd cake 😤😩

plz i love him he bought me coffee anddd cake 😤😩

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Already Daeun was dreading the outcome of tonight's auditions. It wasn't even her day yet seeing the looks of pure fear, stress and worry on all her classmates faces truly terrified her. If they fuck up in even the slightest way in the eyes of these company employees, then that's their dream gone.

As she walked down the pathway to the auditorium- where the auditions will be taking place, nervousness racked up her spine. All her friends will be there, prepping themselves before they take on the stage.

She wishes nothing but the best for all of them.

As she walked into the large auditorium, internally freezing at the already filled seats and the front row where the staff sat, gazing at the huge stage with judging eyes.

There were a lot of students sitting around, waiting, talking loudly with their friends, their dazzling eyes set on the bright stage, spotlights showering light onto it while they sat in the darkness.

They went all out.
Daeun thought as she walked down the steps to search for an empty seat. She wasn't surprised really seeing as modern dance one of the school's biggest attractions and most paid/attentive subjects, provided with the best teachers but also filled with the most brightest students. It was also one of their most popular subjects which always managed to catch the eyes of big and successful companies, concluding how popular it really was.

Some of the most talented and well-known kpop idols were from this school which is still mind blowing to her.

As she carelessly searched for a seat, a figure accidentally bumps into her- as though he was in a rush, making her whip around to see who it was.

Correction: there were two of them. Two very troublesome individuals.

"San, Wooyoung, what a pleasant surprise." Daeun forcefully smiled, eyeing the two with displeasure. Out of all people, why them? San was the first to chuckle, running his fingers through his blond hair while Wooyoung grinned happily.

"Hey DaeDae haven't seen you since Yuta almost killed us!" Wooyoung brightly greeted, ignoring the look of disgust that crosses her face at the nickname.

"Hey DaeDae's sort of cute y'know." San added in with narrowed eyes when he sees her nose scrunch up in distaste. Daeun shook her head adamantly.

"Anyway where are you guys going?"

"Backstage, we're sort of late if you haven't noticed." San gestured with a proud smile.

"But I bet Seonghwa will love to see you right before he gets on stage!" Wooyoung smirked before swiftly grasping into her arm and before she could object, he was already dashing down the steps, roughly dragging her along.

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