Chapter 93

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"No Seonghwa! Are you dumb?! Don't delete the damn recordings!"

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"No Seonghwa! Are you dumb?! Don't delete the damn recordings!"

"It was a fucking accident!"

"Punching the big red button is not an accident."

"It looked so tempting-"

"Just shut up and sit there!" Daeun exclaimed with frustration, pointing at the low stool beside her while she rested in the comfy gamer chair, her fingers gently lapping over the keyboard.

After finding out Yeosang had basically pre-recorded all his parts to the piece that they were supposed to be presenting next week, Daeun had reluctantly agreed to stay- for only an hour she quoted. It also made sense to stay as Yeosang had his own recording room, y'know being rich and all.

She was also surprised that the parts she had been mindlessly making (courtesy of Yeosang's vagueness) was composed by Hongjoong. It was some form of apology from him to her, which Daeun didn't want to believe but anyhoo. Who knew the strawberry-haired minion was capable of apologising.

"But I wanna help." Seonghwa pouted before slumping onto the stool, Daeun now being taller than the male as she turns to him with an icy glare.

"You can help by sitting there with your mouth close. K?"

"This is literal abuse." Seonghwa groaned, pressing his cheek against the desk while Daeun only hummed in response, too busy clicking every button to pay attention to the male whining in the background. 

"When's Yeosang coming back?"

"Who cares? You have me." Seonghwa snapped, annoyed and obviously jealous that Daeun kept on rambling and whining about his friend. It's like she doesn't understand or chooses to ignore what kind of effect she and her words has on him.

Daeun scowled. "I want Yeosang."

"But Yeosang doesn't want you. Seonghwa does though."

"But I don't want you." She gagged out the last word with such disgust that it made Seonghwa's pout grow twice as full.


Daeun ignored him and instead inserted her phone into the wire connected to the computer, dragging her attention to the only reason she came to this forsaken place. The notification had soon popped up and she began to transfer her own recorded parts to the computer, Seonghwa mindlessly watching.

As soon as she put her phone down, her attention so focused on putting this piece together she didn't bother placing it screen down, and immediately after her fingers had detached from the screen- ultimately uncovering it, Seonghwa's gaze had dropped to it, curiosity igniting in his irises.

The tempting feeling to just snatch her phone and just scroll through her messages (and block Lucas) was starting to cloud his mind.

Seonghwa looked away with a huff, getting up from his stool, he wants to be on her good side and not on her bad so touching her stuff without her permission was an absolute no no. "I'll make you some food."

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