Chapter 101

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" cause you are you are the reason
why i'm still hanging on "

Frustrated. Angry. Daeun felt an array of feelings tremble through her body as she walked quietly beside Seonghwa, deeply thinking about where she went wrong. Park Minjun has the power to stop her from achieving a scholarship- after she had tried defending Seonghwa. Regardless of that, he really did have the power too.

Hands stuffed in the pockets of her blazer, her body shuddered uncontrollably under the bitter night sky, the violent gusts of wind sweeping up the desolate sombre streets. Even though Daeun should've been thinking about the ways Minjun had coldly threatened her future, she wasn't.

She was instead thinking about how she failed the dreadfully silent male beside her.

Seonghwa, who too was frustrated, kept quiet as he trudged beside Daeun on this awful summer night. He kept on trying to convince himself he was hopeless so he wouldn't end up feeling hurt if his father was still adamant. But he was wrong. He was full of hope and he didn't know it. 

He couldn't swallow the fact that he was leaving the country he grew up in his whole life, his friends who treated him like family.

And most of all he couldn't believe he was leaving her.

Seonghwa didn't realise he had steadily stopped in his tracks, his fists subtly shaking by his sides as sadness took control of him once more. He wanted to cry again. Just cry his heart out until there was nothing left.

Daeun seconds later had ceased in her steps too, a frown arising on her rosy lips as she sees him staring at the ground- completely blank.


The second she said his name his head snapped up at her, impulsively jogging over to her without saying a word, making Daeun's frown deepen, concern faintly visible in her obvious confusion.

"If you're tired… just go back." She murmured- trying hard not to sound the slightest bit worried, she pointed the way they had come from. "I'll be fine going alone."

Seonghwa shook his head, answering in a low tone as he tries to keep the sadness he felt on a subtle level. "The streets aren't safe for you Bae."

That nickname. That damn nickname.
Even after hearing him say that so casually made her want to be believe that he was fine, that he wasn't disappointed, but the truth was, he was. Seonghwa was always exceptional at hiding his emotions, maybe from everyone else but Daeun… she could see him hurting.

"Are you cold?" He mumbled, observing the way she habitually rubbed her hands together.

"Not really." She answered, beginning to walk again and this time Seonghwa follows robotically, still watching her hands drop back to her sides.

Should I?
Or should I not…?

Seonghwa- ready to look away, exhaled irrationally.

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