Chapter 39

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━━ ❛ it's hard to move on when
all she thinks about is him ❜ ━━

"Come on Daeun, it'll be fun~" Eunha crooned, clinging onto her best friends arm tightly, eyes full of adoration and slight desperation as she awaited for an answer

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"Come on Daeun, it'll be fun~" Eunha crooned, clinging onto her best friends arm tightly, eyes full of adoration and slight desperation as she awaited for an answer.

"And be your third wheel? No thanks." Daeun snorted, a grin etched on her lips. Her tone was laced with happiness for her best friend but also sadness, she didn't want to admit that she actually envied their relationship to an extent where she was drowning in her own mind.

She still feels hurt and jealous and she hates herself for feeling that way.

"I mean Hwanwoong will be there too, so you technically won't be a third wheel," Eunha rambled on as the two tread down the school courtyard, "And plus it's our 1 year so come on~"

Daeun's breath hitched almost immediately, realising it's almost been a year since Eunha and Leedo got together officially.

Time flies huh

She's been so busy with herself that she hasn't even realised, and to be honest it felt like they were together for much longer.


Eunha's loud shriek cuts Daeun off her train of thoughts as she immediately brings a forced smile to her lips, watching Leedo jog towards them with a bright smile.

"Hey," She murmured, feeling Eunha's hand slip away from her and onto his waist causing her eyes to drop down to the ground.

Move on already, it's not that hard

"Hey Daeun-ii." Leedo giggled, staring into her brown orbs with a warm smile, "Are you up for Friday?"

"I-I still don't know." Daeun hesitated, rubbing the back of her head with an unsure smile causing Eunha to pout, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"It's gonna be fun though," She pressed on as Daeun wordlessly shrugged, "Besides what do you have planned on Friday night?"

"I don't know, I might watch a movie." She answered vaguely.

"I can come get you though!" Leedo cheerfully spoke up.

"I'll see."


When Friday had finally arrived, Daeun was too busy in her pyjamas and too comfortable in her bed to go join the the group.

She knew she was being a bitch about it but she also knew she would ruin their night, and she didn't want that.

leedo 🐼
heyyy i'm outside
ur house

leedo 🐼
hurry up and get
down here alreadyy

no thanks

u guys go ahead 👍

leedo 🐼
r u fr? u rlly wanna
miss out on a couple
of drinks?

i'm good

just make sure eunha
doesn't drink too much okk

leedo 🐼
dw i won't let her drink
toooo much

leedo 🐼
have a gn i guess 😃


A bitter exhale left her lips as she chucked her phone on the other side of her bed, feeling miserable on the inside and out. Did she sound too mean?

She grumbles, hearing another notification from her phone.

eunhaaa 💅


eunhaaa 💅

u lot r gonna be drinking
and ur underage 😭 i do not
approve 👎

my beds toooo comfy
n e ways

eunhaaa 💅
aw man it won't be
the same without u tho 😔

eunhaaa 💅

eunhaaa 💅
dads got some shit to do in
japan so 😒

i'll be there for ur
3 yr then 😁

eunhaaa 💅
fine u annoying rat

yh love you too

text me when u get
home x

A subconscious smile made its way to Daeun's lips, feeling the genuine happiness she longed for her friend.

Finally she turned off her phone, tossing around to her side, eyes fluttering close as she wrapped herself in her blanket, a comfortable warmth encasing her.

Moonlight seeped through her blinds and onto her pale skin, making it shine in the darkness of her room.

Minutes later drowsiness had kicked in and before she knew it she had dozed off, not giving a single care about the world.

[ the past : part four ]

this chapter is so frickingshort i'm sorryy 😭

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this chapter is so fricking
short i'm sorryy 😭

btw i do not condone
underage drinking

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