Chapter 74

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"Wait what? You can't come? Why?" Daeun mumbled quietly, her phone pressed against her ear as Lucas sighs from the end of the line

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"Wait what? You can't come? Why?" Daeun mumbled quietly, her phone pressed against her ear as Lucas sighs from the end of the line.

"Detention along with Yuta. It's a long story but he basically... erm broke a window… with a textbook."

Daeun furrowed her brows in confusion, glancing around the crowded gates that poured out with uniformed students as she stood against the brick wall outside the school- where her and Lucas would usually meet and he would take her home. "But why are you in trouble?"

"Well erm... I may or may have not tried to cover it up with a newspaper..."

Daeun scowled at him, not understanding how he can become so stupid at times. She ran a hand through her hair out of habit, closing her eyes to see some sort of good to the situation.

Oh who was she kidding. He tried to cover a broken window with a fricking newspaper.

But she can't really say she's not surprised.

"You really are something." She murmured and internally sighed.

How did she end up with such a clumsy and clingy guy with an adorable attitude? She can barely take care of herself and then she has to take care of Lucas who get his nose stuck in a hanger every other week or loses his phone, only to find it miraculously hidden behind the milk in his fridge.

Yep, the boy really was something.

Lucas chuckled lowly, and Daeun couldn't help but break out a smile. "I'm one in a million babe."

"Straight up facts. There's not one in that million who would stick a hanger up their nose except you."

"That was a traumatic experience, the blood and- Oh heyyy Mr Cho... hey! No wait! I wasn't don-"

Daeun grinned as soon as the line cuts off and the sound of Lucas's faded yelling bringing pleasure to her ears. He did try to cover up that window with such thin paper after all.

Placing her phone back inside her pocket, Daeun began walking towards the end of the street- where the bus stop was situated. Seeing as Lucas wasn't here and she couldn't be asked to walk home by herself, the bus was her only option... despite the fact that it smells of old socks and always made her car sick, she could get used to it one more time.

As soon as Daeun made it to the stop, she sat down on the bench, a sight leaving her lips. It honestly felt weird that Lucas wasn't here to annoy her, and she couldn't deny the little loneliness that danced around her tauntingly, reminding her she has no one but him.

Depressing- she knows, but it was the sheer truth. Other than her cousin, and the two lunatics at the library, she has no one else but him.

"Now, what's my Bae doing here?"

Daeun yelped at the deep voice that chuckled into her ear behind her, jerking around to meet his unfortunately flawless face right above her shoulder, a sly grin painted across his shaped lips.

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