Chapter 47

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For the next few days, Seonghwa kept his distance from everyone including his sick mother who's tried countless times to talk to him only to give up every single time

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For the next few days, Seonghwa kept his distance from everyone including his sick mother who's tried countless times to talk to him only to give up every single time. She understands he's angry and upset- anyone would be but she doesn't get why he doesn't talk to her about it.

Sometimes talking to people about your problems helps you heal. But sadly Seonghwa hasn't realised that yet.

"Seonghwa?" Jihye called out tiredly, already feeling exhausted from the endless supplies of medicine and pills she's had to swallow from this morning. As Dr Ryu quoted, 'your body is unusually weak today, so to be on the safe side take these too.'

She cringed at how her voice replayed in her head, her nose scrunching up in distaste as she made her way to Seonghwa's bed, seeing his shaped figure lying under the blanket, most likely sound asleep.

"You're gonna be late if you don't get up soon." She chuckled, poking him with a humoured grin.

But immediately her smile was replaced with a frown as she pressed her finger into what was supposed to be his upper arm but rather it was something way softer than his muscled arms. Without another thought, she ripped the thick blanket off him, a shriek immediately leaving her lips.

What was supposed to be Seonghwa lying dead asleep was instead numerous pillows piled upon one another, forming his figure almost professionally.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no." She murmured, her voice higher than usual as her panicked self showed. She tugged at her messy hair, taking her phone out of her gown pockets with shaky hands, her fingers trembling as she pressed the dial button.

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The panic she's tried to keep from erupting inside her soon bubbled with rage, her head suddenly feeling faint, she collapsed on his bed, massaging the sides of her head and taking slow deep breaths.

Where are you Park Seonghwa?


[ ... ]


His head leaned against the smooth window tiredly, his outgrown bangs covering his dark eyes that were accompanied with blackened bags after the sleepless nights he's faced. His long legs fidgeted nervously, knees pressed up against the seat in front of him as he eyed the child in front of him.

The kid stared out the window with a toothy grin, a few of his front teeth missing as he cheerfully talked to his dad about his day, the energy and happiness he had almost reflecting Seonghwa when he was a child.

He missed being so carefree and happy.

Finally after a journey of over an hour, he got off the bus and faced the direction he was supposed to be going in.

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