Chapter 110

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1am update bc i feel like
shit and i can't sleep <3

"We're going to fail, the system failed us."

"We have Seonghwa's grandmother as the damn principal, none of them are worth trusting."

"Speak for yourselves whores I'm passing."

As Daeun sauntered to the group, looking for one specific individual, they all look at her with pouts- except Ten who was grinning in absolute confidence. "Hey Daeun."

"Ten Lee." Daeun grinned back, instantly being enveloped in his arms as the said male practically squeezes all the blood out of her in his tight embrace. She chuckled, turning to an usual unbothered Jaehyun and worried Taeyong, still captive in Ten's arms. "Have you guys seen Yuta?"

"That dumbass has been missing since dance." Taeyong let out a sombre sigh, wanting to say he was surprised but let's be honest, no one was.

"Something about him being tired and wanting to sleep." Jaehyun casually added in, sucking on his lollipop, unbeknownst to the sudden drop of Taeyong's jaw.

"And you let him go?"

"Yes…? I don't think we're capable of stopping Nakamoto Yuta when he's tired and snappy."

Taeyong grudgingly kept his mouth shut, glaring but in no mood to yell lectures. He was far too exhausted to deal with all their uselessness. "Anyway Daeun what is it you needed Yuta for?"

"Oh I just needed to talk him that all." Daeun waved off awkwardly, laughing. Truth is, she needed to talk more about Seonghwa with Yuta- her best adviser and friend. That man gives some next level advice that is honestly priceless. He was an intellect though he conceals it with his delinquent act.

The three blatantly narrow their eyes on her, suspicious. She laughs again before finally noticing two others walk to the group, one happily smiling while the other was scoffing. Lucas and Jiwoo.

At the mere sight of her former friend, Daeun's heart sinks.

"I uh I'll go find Yuta now. See you guys later." Daeun forcefully smiled, attempting to ignore the harsh glare she was receiving from her, bitter anxiety crawling up her spine. She fears if she's standing here any longer she might be facing the wrath of someone who she as Yuta quotes "should hate."

"We haven't had a proper conversation in forever though and you're already desperate to leave." Ten pouted, immediately instigating Daeun's defence.

"I just… really need to find him, it's urgent."


Oh God no.

Suddenly she felt as if she was surrounded. They were all huddling around her, predominantly Lucas who stood directly in front of her, a wide smile displayed on his lips with his tall height almost crushing her.

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