Chapter 34

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━━ ❛ secrets that should
remain untouched ❜ ━━

━━ ❛ secrets that shouldremain untouched ❜ ━━

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"Tell your dad I said hello." She smiled happily as Seonghwa chuckled wryly, "It was nice seeing you Seonghwa."

"Same goes for you doctor Ryu." He giggled teasingly, she glared at him jokingly, patting his shoulder before beginning to walk down the aisle.

Seonghwa watched her with a smile plastered across his lips, turning around to where Daeun was.

However that smile was soon long gone, nose scrunching up in pure confusion, he noticed the same pair of guys he saw in the coffee shop talking rather aggressively with Daeun, the shorter one pushing the familiar taller one back.

Immediately he advanced towards them, lips now set in a straight line, eyes piercing darkly into the group.

"Only my friends can call me Leedo, and you're definitely not my friend." He spat as Hwanwoong shoved him back slightly, throwing Daeun a small assuring smile but she stood still- shell shocked by his sudden anger.

And hurt by his words.
The familiar wounds under her skin beginning to open up again.

"Gentlemen gentlemen, is everything alright?"

Daeun's head snapped to the deep yet composed voice behind her, an instinctive arm wrapping loosely around her waist as she meets Seonghwa's soft gaze that was set on the pair of boys in front of him.

"Don't tell me that he's your boyfriend Daeun." Leedo chuckled in disbelief, she gulped down the heavy feeling in her throat that just won't go away, "After everything that's happened you're still trying to act normal? Are you fucking out of your mind?"

Now it was Seonghwa turn to step forward, arm leaving her waist, a prominent frown placed on his soft lips, he glared at the boy in front of him, "I don't know who the fuck you are but you better move away from her."

Daeun's watched soundlessly as the two boy exchanged words of hate between each other.

Parting her lips, she wanted to stop all this but nothing came out of her mouth, like all the confidence she had just suddenly slipped from her fingertips along with the lies she kept up with.

Her head spinned, dizziness overcoming her, she unsteadily grabbed Seonghwa's hand, pulling him backwards and thankfully he complied, standing in line with her without another word.

"Does he not know Daeun?" Leedo now laughed amusingly, watching the girl squint her eyes shut in irritation, he laughed louder, "Shit he doesn't know?! So that means you've been hiding shit again? You really haven't changed at all."

"Shut up Le- Gunhak."

"Why should I?" His voice suddenly deepened, the roughness to it almost being familiar to her yet it felt so far from the boy she thought she knew, "You ruined everyone's life so the least I can do is be honest."

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