Chapter 116

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" looking for star, looking for love
you are my star "

━━ star 1117, ateez

Friday: the last day of exam trials

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Friday: the last day of exam trials. And tonight, classical music was the one to end it all.

Daeun was never one to panic over school and such but tonight… tonight had finally broken her tranquil composure. Undeniable stress and worry broke through the surface and she couldn't help think,

where would she go if she fails this?
After years she's found something that sparks her interest, motivates her- a passion she never thought she could find. Playing that cello had soothed the stress of her cliché teenage worries, and for years that's been her solace in this pitiful world.

Yet now her solace could either fail her or become something much more, something unimaginable.

And finally, her phone vibrates in her palm, a message from a special someone bringing a faint smile to her lips.

future ceo park 💳💥💳💥💳

r u still in the practice room?


whyy? don't tell me ur missing
me already future ceo 😢

maybe 😢

i was jk-

i'm comingg stay there or

i'll do something 😤

Daeun let out an airy chuckle, running her fingers through her fading blond curls while her low heels dug into the carpeted floor of the empty practice room.

Though it was only a 5 minute trial, she must look the part. No one from abroad would want her if she looks like an unorganized idiot dressed in an oversized bright pink hoodie and neon blue flip flops. It was simple things.

Therefore, to immediately catch the eyes of foreign schools, she was adorned in a long, princess-like silk dress, the rose gold tone shining under the fluorescent lights. The long sleeves cuffed at her wrists while the dress itself fell just right above her ankles, fully revealing nude coloured heels. A ribbon bought the outfit together, wrapped around her waist, revealing the mild curves of her body.

Her back was fully exposed while at the front, the wide v-neck presented her defining collarbone and faint cleavage, revealing insecure skin she's kept hidden under the various clothes she's worn before. However this particular dress made her feel many things, from feeling regal and elegant to feeling exposed and sexy. It shaped her upper body so beautifully whilst the remainder of the dress flew out like a blossoming flower, she felt as though she was a princess.

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