Chapter 43

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Imagine being the heir to multiple corporate enterprises, imagine living life at ease with no worries whatsoever, imagine being the centre of attention- having the spotlight shower down on you at all times, imagine getting anything you desired wit...

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Imagine being the heir to multiple corporate enterprises, imagine living life at ease with no worries whatsoever, imagine being the centre of attention- having the spotlight shower down on you at all times, imagine getting anything you desired without lifting a finger.

Well that's what Park Seonghwa definitely has.

But the question is does it make him happy? To anyone he'd respond with a confident yes but deep down it was the opposite. Money does not mean happiness, and he knows that for sure.

Money won't bring his parents together nor will money make his father even look at Seonghwa.

And it hurts. It hurts so fucking much.

"Ma I'm heading to school." Seonghwa grinned from ear to ear as he poked in through the doorway, seeing his mother, Jihye, flash him a wide smile.

"Be careful my mars," She whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek before ruffling his already messy hair. The smile was still etched on her pink lips, "If you need to be dropped off, I'll get go get ready and-"

Seonghwa shook his head adamantly, nervously eyeing the mess of countless medicines and pills on her desk, "I'm fine mum, just get some rest and I'll be back before you know it."

"Are you sure? I can get ready- ok." She surrendered, chuckling as Seonghwa pulled her towards her bed.

Within minutes, he silently slipped out of the room, leaving his mother now comfortably lying in bed and tucked under her blanket. For once he felt happy in the morning, knowing he's kept his mother in a comfortable atmosphere. The thought brought an enlightened smile to his lips.

That's before it's wiped away in less than a second. He nods at his father who looks away from him abruptly, gaze focused on the tv as a football match plays silently in the background.

"Remind mum to take her medicine." That's all Seonghwa says before he finally leaves the house, a relieved sigh escaping his lips as he managed to get away without another argument erupting.

He kept on walking down the empty street, large and expensive houses on both sides of it- but his one is the biggest. It's the one right at the end of the street.

"Seonghwa!" A yell cuts off his thoughts as his eyes move to the shorter boy bolting across the street, his dark hair glimmering under the natural sunlight that cascaded over them.

An immediate smile makes its way onto Seonghwa's lips, he halts, watching the boy cease in his steps abruptly, panting heavily, hands on his knees as he tried to steady himself.

"Fatass, you barely even ran." Seonghwa scoffed, flinching back slightly as the boy in front of him jumps up excitedly, "Oh no that smile means chaos what's happened?"

"My mum said I can dye my hair red after my 18th!" He squeals, clasping his hands together as he stated up at the sky, Seonghwa's gaze followed, "God... thank you for changing her mind."

Seonghwa blinked, glancing between the sky and him, disgust pooling his eyes before he carried on walking, "Hongjoong stop being a creep."

Hongjoong scoffed, eyes slitting into his side profile that shone in the light, making his appearance appear as almost angelic, "Says you."

Seonghwa shook his head in disbelief, walking beside his best friend with his mouth clamped shut, eyes agitatedly darting around the area, anyone could tell the boy was nervous, the way his back stayed arched as straight as it could, the way he bit down on his lips while fumbling around with the loose rings on his fingers.

Hongjoong immediately took notice of his behaviour, he glanced around the empty place cautiously, slowly nearing to him, "Did your dad do something again?"

His voice was barely above a whisper- mostly because the Park family was a big deal in these areas, especially Park Minjun, his father. They were seen as the "perfect" family that no one could have.

However inside those four walls was a hell no one knew.
Their family was nowhere near perfect.

"He's been out with that woman again." Seonghwa chuckled, a sourness to his tone as he shrugged, he couldn't care but to feel angry, "Mum doesn't know... and I don't want to tell her."

"Don't," Hongjoong advised, "You don't want to add anything more to Mama Park's list of worries."

"I know and that's why I won't." Seonghwa decided, feeling the bubbling anger rise and fall furiously as he tried to keep his cool, "He really thought I wouldn't find out... how pathetic."

Hongjoong hummed in response, gaze flickering around the area to see if anyone could possibly be eavesdropping. The family was seen as a family of honour to the nation and for it to be tarnished would wreck them.

And so for now, it would be best if they kept things on the down low.

"How's Mrs Park doing?" He asked, attempting to change the subject.

Seonghwa shrugged, suddenly the numbness he felt was back, invading his insides until it spread onto his skin, "Cancer hasn't been treating her well."

Cancer. The word's supposed to be familiar to Park Seonghwa but every time he would hear the word or even say it, it would bring him into a whole other world. It's been a few months since his mother's been diagnosed with stomach cancer but he can't bring himself to be familiar with the word.

He was terrified, he can't lose the only person that has always been there for him.

Hongjoong frowned, noting his sudden attitude change but then again anyone would react so sensitively, "Take good care of her ok? Mr Park isn't around so it's up to you to make her feel good."

"Don't you think I know that Joong?"

"You need someone to remind you." Hongjoong chuckled, knowing Seonghwa can't be taking care of his mother without someone by his side, "You got this."

"No... I don't."

[ his past : part one ]

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