Chapter 52

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"It's almost 3

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"It's almost 3." Yeosang deadpanned, watching the definite drunk girl dancing with San on the vacant dance floor that was void of any breathing person.

Wooyoung grumbled beside him, his soft breathing caressing Yeosang's arms, he nuzzled into the crook of the stoic boy's neck, muttering as he peacefully slept.

Hongjoong cringed at the way Daeun sloppily hooked her arms around San's neck, a lopsided grin on her lips as she dreamily stared into his stunned eyes, "Seonghwa I think you should go check on her."

"Yeah I think the fuck not."

Seonghwa snarled, watching his wasted girlfriend giggle with San who wearily glanced at Seonghwa, his eyes almost begging him to come fetch her. Yet he stayed put on the sofa, glaring at her frustratedly.

To say this night was exhausting was an understatement. It was a complete and burdensome workout for Park Seonghwa who allowed Daeun to drink but even after a couple drinks she became tipsy, already out of her composed mind she suddenly ravaged into a party animal. She couldn't stop drinking and every minute she begged him to dance with her.

After hours, even after everyone had slowly left the huge home, Daeun still remained dancing and giggling while her face flushed pink and her walking clumsy and unsteady. She didn't want to stop dancing but Seonghwa did, thus her alternative became dance machine Choi San.

"I want a drink." She slurs with a wave of her hands, she slips away from San's neck and instead she sloppily hurried to the counter on the other side of the room.

"Seonghwa control your drunk ass girlfriend will you?!"

Mingi yelled from the Dj set, beside Jongho who sang in his powerful, melodious voice and pressed different buttons to accompany his singing. Mingi watched in complete awe, holding his heart as if it would fall out.

Seonghwa groaned, throwing his head back into a warm cushion. He's had enough of this hell of a tonight and just wants to be in his bed, peacefully sleeping- just like Wooyoung on the other side of him.

"Bae Daeun!" He growled, springing off the comfort of the sofa, he ran after the girl who was carelessly pulling a bottle up to her glossy lips, unaware of Seonghwa's thundering footsteps and annoyed muttering.

About to take a sip of the compelling liquid, Daeun gasped when the glass bottle was wrenched out of her clasp. Her doe eyes widened when Seonghwa presses the opening against his parted lips, chugging down the remaining of its contents as the adam's apple on his neck bobs up and down.

"Seonghwa!" She finally screamed when she realised what was happening. Attempting to reach the bottle, he tiptoed higher making her jump as she tried to yank it out of his hands.

He let out a gasp when he finally pulled the bottle away from his lips, blinking away the blurriness, his gaze lingers down to pouting Daeun, her arms tangled around his lean waist. He scowled at her disappointment.

"You reek of alcohol."

"But you drank all of mine."

Her pouting faltered for a second, her eyes drooping close sluggishly and her body unwillingly leaning into his, the grip of her arms suddenly loosens around his waist. Seonghwa furrowed his brows, holding her toppling self carefully.

"Bae?" He called out attentively, delicately shaking Daeun. He was met with her soft snoring causing the taller boy to exhale tiredly. Just when he thought things couldn't get worse.

Seonghwa sighed again, slowly hooking his arm under her knees while the other wrapped around her small waist. He caught a glimpse of her flaming cheeks that were covered by her messy hair. A small, amused smile tugged on the corner of his lips as he began to trudge back to the other side of the room.

"Are you going to spend the night with her?" Yunho asked with a slight smirk, nodding at the sleeping girl.

Seonghwa narrowed his eyes at the him, suddenly feeling the need to wipe that smirk off him himself, "I have no choice now do I?"


"I'll go get her one of my hoodies." San muttered, about to get up until he's stopped by Seonghwa's scoff.

"I think I have one in my car, I'll go get it." He responded a bit too coldly as he laid her down on the sofa, carefully brushing her brown locks out off her serene complexion.

The thought of his girlfriend wearing another guy's clothes somehow infuriates him, she's his and he's hers so she should only be wearing his clothes- no questioning it.

"Damn Seonghwa's getting slightly protective." Yunho whistled lowly.

"No I'm not."

"Wait what?" Hongjoong gasped, staring at Seonghwa in disbelief as he pointed an accusing finger at him. "You like her?"

Panic bubbled in his chest, he didn't even think about telling them but now that it was there, actually happening, the scene unfolding like a whirlwind of chaos he couldn't believe what he was about to say.

"Of course not," he scoffed out, "you wouldn't believe the shit she's done."

shit, shut up seonghwa, shut up.

Now that caught everyone's attention, all exchanging confused looks with each other while Yeosang's blank eyes stayed glued to Seonghwa's.

"What did she do?"

"What did she do?"

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