Chapter 6

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"Whose calling me now?" Daeun groans, eyes  fluttering open and shut

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"Whose calling me now?" Daeun groans, eyes  fluttering open and shut. She groans louder as her phone doesn't stop ringing, grabbing it out of frustration, she puts it against her ear, "Hello?"

"Daeun~" Lucas chimes, his voice deep and raspy as Daeun grimaced at him trying to sing, "Want to come jogging with me?"

"Why at 6?" Daeun sighs annoyedly, squinting at the brightness of her phone.

"Beecause it's fun." Lucas chuckles as Daeun huffs, "You in or not?"

"I'm tired leave me alone." She yawns loudly.

"It's gonna be fun though!" Lucas whines on the other side of the line.

She giggles before saying, "Well that depends is your cute friend Taeyong coming along?"

She giggles even more, hearing Lucas sigh annoyedly. His voice becomes dull when he asks again, "So you're not coming?"

"Fine." Daeun chuckles as Lucas yelps in victory.


[ ➠ ]


It's barely dawn as Daeun stares out of her window, fidgeting uncontrollably in her grey crop top and grey tracksuits. Her hair in a messy bun but her skin shiny with a glow.

Phone ringing, she picks it up, putting it on loud speaker, "Where you at?"

"Go to the park I'll be there in a few."

She hung up with a sigh, putting on her earphones while her exo playlist played.

As she speed walks out of the building, the chilly wind runs past her making her shiver in coldness. The morning light hasn't even come out yet, just dark grey clouds portraying a gloomy atmosphere across Seoul.

The refreshing smell of rain caked the area while the ground started to dry. Gradually she started jogging, trying to build up some heat in her body.

She jogged slowly and comfortably, not wanting to get tired before arriving at the park. There's barely anyone walking or even driving as she looked around in sheer wonder. Where has everyone disappeared to?

She made her way into the park, confused as she saw no one around. Lucas should've been here before her as well.

The park is full of greenery and flowers there are many trees too, most towering over her as she examined the area.

Behind her a twig snapped and immediately she spun on her heel, her body tense and shaken as she peered behind the trees. 


"That was so expected." She laughs, turning around to see Lucas behind her, a pout on his lips.

"You're no fun Elsa." Lucas frowns jokingly, reaching to ruffle her hair but quickly she takes a step back.

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