Chapter 61

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❛ don't think i can forgive myself 
i'm sorry for the ways i used you

Daeun paced back and forth in her room, incessantly tapping her phone against the back of her hand

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Daeun paced back and forth in her room, incessantly tapping her phone against the back of her hand. Her stomach churned with raw panic as her eyes glanced back at the clock. 4:50

It was almost 5pm and she was supposed to be leaving for school, along with her 'guardian.'

Principal Park had suggested that she should drop her parents a call and explain what was happening before telling them to come join her for the so called meeting. But in the end she couldn't being herself to call them. She couldn't tell them that she fucked up for the second time around and allow them to be disappointed in her again.

It was heart breaking, it felt like she couldn't tell anyone how she was feeling. She was trapped in a never ending cycle of disappointment.

Sadly she only had one other alternative. Her snobby and annoying cousin.

Finally the doorbell rang and Daeun jogged over to it, bringing a stiff smile up to her lips before she pulls it open. Immediately she was met with a pair of beautiful and familiar eyes staring back at her, a smirk tugging at the female's lips.

"Hey cuz."

"Hey erm Joohyun- or Irene whatever." Daeun waved off, stepping back to allow the older girl in.

Bae Joohyun, or Irene as some may call her, is Daeun's apparent 'snobby and annoying' cousin. She's under SM entertainment and is the leader of one of South Korea's most famous girl groups, Red Velvet.

The two girls where extremely close when they were younger, Joohyun was like Daeun's older sister- an overprotective one for sure. But as they got older, Daeun moved away and Joohyun got accepted into SM right after high school- the one Daeun is currently attending. The time they had together became shorter and shorter because of her busy schedule and soon they had completely stopped hanging out.

It left Daeun lonely, but what could she do other than to move on.

"After 6 months you finally decided to drop me a call." Joohyun scoffed, stepping in as she yanked Daeun into a tight hug, swaying her frame side to side, Daeun hesitantly rubbed her back at her sudden movement.

"I thought you were busy grandma so I decided not to call." Daeun grumbled sarcastically. "But thanks for coming, I didn't want to worry my parents and all so-"

"Good. I'm happy you called me." Joohyun quipped, watching Daeun in awe as she slipped on her coat. She's become much more independent and better without her. It warms her heart a bit that she's finally becoming the woman she wanted to see.

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