Chapter 31

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Seonghwa stood outside her door, his hand ready to knock on it before retracting it quickly, contemplating whether he should leave or not

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Seonghwa stood outside her door, his hand ready to knock on it before retracting it quickly, contemplating whether he should leave or not.

Monday mornings aren't the best, and usually he's pretty moody yet an apologetic feeling ran deep. He couldn't sleep at all last night, knowing he hurt Daeun and although he should've apologised yesterday he couldn't bring himself too.

He let out a vexed sigh, tugging at the ends of his hair before bringing his hand up to the door again, ready to knock on it.

Inside, Daeun fixed her tie for the millionth time, her emotions numb as the question still rang in her head.

Will Seonghwa leave her?

If he does, she's trying to prepare herself for the heartbreak. Maybe she's thinking too far but the question won't stop persisting her mind.

Looking at herself one last time in the mirror, she picked up her cello case making her way to the door and pulling it open.

She stopped midway, surprised, seeing Seonghwa's hand right in front of her as he looks at her with a stunned look.

Immediately he withdrew his hand, looking away awkwardly as Daeun stepped out, still bewildered seeing Seonghwa.

"Good morning." She says, voice soft yet undeniably filled with sorrow as she locks the door, Seonghwa muttering a hello behind her.

"I'll hold that for you." He offers quickly, already grabbing the case out of her hands making her smile a bit, the question starting to disappear into the depths of her mind.

Sheer silence descended over the two as they began to walk to the lift, avoiding each other's eyes out of awkwardness.

Seonghwa's hand clutched the case, thinking of how he should apologise. He never really does say sorry to anyone in fact and instead shows acts of arrogance and superiority.

What can he say, he's been bought up like a king.

Until his mum died.

When they finally left the building, neither of them said a word to each as Seonghwa soundlessly opened the door to his car for her, carefully placing the cello in the backseat before he got in himself.

"You left you're umbrella yesterday," Seonghwa begins quietly, starting the car as Daeun gives a low hum, playing with her rings uninterestedly, "I left it in the boot, you can take it later on."

"Ok." She sighs as she faces the window.

The day remains gloomy and unusually quiet, the winter breeze settling in. She carried on fumbling with her rings, eyes wandering around the empty streets of Seoul as she sighs once again, "You didn't need to pick me up if you feel so awkward you know."

Seonghwa grimaced, hands tightening around the wheel nervously, "I don't feel awkward."

"Liar, you do."
"Shut up I don't."

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