Chapter 58

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olafwe need to talk

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we need to talk


i'm worried abt u elsa

is it jiwoo? she's just
angry now but trust me
she doesn't mean any

lucas i want to be alone

u literally broke up w
that bastard & u think
i'll leave u alone?

u must b joking

leave me alone

ok fine ilyt

i'll drop u off after skl
wait for me at the gates

Daeun sighed tiredly, snuggling into the safety of her coat as she wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling it right up against her. She sat right at the top of the cold bleachers, feeling much more comfortable by herself.

She needed space, just a place away from drama and the hate. The rumours must have amplified by now, and there's no doubt that Hongjoong and the rest of Seonghwa's minions might actually be telling everyone what happened that night- except it'll be altered in Seonghwa's way, that way it'll make her feel a bit more humiliated. And sadly she can't do anything other than to sit back and watch the show unfold right in her eyes.

But does she care anymore? Nope.

Seonghwa had showed what caring does, what trust does, and she learnt that the hard way. What's the point of caring if she's always going to be the one hurt in the end anyways?

She sighed again, leaning back so her head rested against the cold metal wall. Dried up tears smudged around her puffy cheeks, it's like every time she even thinks about him the tears return impulsively- before she can even realise.

Daeun gazed ahead absent-mindedly, thoughts creeping into her head and slipping out silently. The field was thankfully desolate, probably because it was still chilly on this despairing spring day. Perched beside her was the blue gift bag, packed with expensive gifts and the cupcakes she took her time to make and decorate- which also ended up with her burning her wrist.

Now she doesn't know what to do with it.

She exhaled slowly, her visible breath slipping out of her mouth. She watched as it dispersed into the plain air. Now she felt as if she was just a worthless girl who could barely breathe the oxygen everyone else was breathing, who didn't want to talk to anyone that has the power to hurt her, who didn't want to trust anyone any more because she was afraid. Is this what a break up does? Make you feel like complete shit? Question everything around you?

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