Chapter 82

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"Daeun? What the fuck, are you dead?"

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"Daeun? What the fuck, are you dead?"

Daeun stirred around in her sleep, her droopy eyes fluttering open and close as Yeosang's distant voice lingers at the back of her mind, a loose grip on her shoulders shaking her, forcing her to jolt up- her eyes snapping open for moments.

Yeosang stood over her, his hands grasped around the thick material of her jumper; pulling her so close to his face that she could discern the small pores laminated against his melanin skin. Daeun relaxed, her eyelids dropping once more as she slumps into the seat, unaware that everyone on the bus had already gotten off.

"What-What is it?" She mumbled, turning her head to the side as waves of familiar exhaustion filter through her body. She wants sleep.

"You've slept for over 5 hours, lazy ass." Yeosang scoffed irritatedly, releasing her as she immediately looks at him. "Now get the fuck up unless you want me to drag you off."

"Touch me and I'll- ow!" His hand makes harsh contact with her arm, a blank look on his face as he does so.

"We're late. Hurry up." He deadpanned as turns his back on her, striding towards the exit and leaving her dumbfounded.

Daeun groaned once he was gone, unwillingly holding onto the back of a seat as she pulls herself onto her feet, her rigid limbs loosening and her energy slowly refuelling.

She could just go sleep while hiding behind the seats and miraculously end up in Seoul but then again Lucas would probably die from a heart attack. Which would lead to Taeyong also dying from a heart because Lucas is having a heart attack while Ten would probably die from his unstoppable laughter. Jaehyun would definitely be the only one to survive out of those crackheads. Thus in conclusion, if she leaves now she will be murdered, for sure.

With her eyes still twitching open, she reaches down for her luggage, her fingers waving in the air only to feel nothing.

Instantly she looks down, her jaw dropping when she sees her suitcase gone.


Her mind went straight to the strawberry-haired minion, fuelled irritation barreling through her veins. If someone had to take it without her permission, it would be him. Without a doubt.

Stepping solely on her toes, her hands waved around in the compartments above her head, waves of relief rushing through her when she feels the familiar pattern. She yanks it back with all her strength and drops it onto her seat.

She knows for sure that she left her stuff right next to her, so the question is; who put it in there without her permission?

The questions lingers in her head as she drags herself down the aisle- heaving her stuff with her reluctantly. It could be Yeosang, maybe he assumed she couldn't reach it so he put when she was sleeping.

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