Chapter 120

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" sometimes life throws us in difficult places
but that's alright if you're with me "

"Dad we're going to be late."
"No wait one more picture!"
"Honey give the girl some space."

Daeun simply pouted as she stands upright in her gown again, the black, silk material reaching mid-calf with white and blue ribbed along the edge- their school colour and the school emblem printed just above her chest. She wore a black ribbed dress underneath, it hugging and presenting her curves. Her graduation cap was black too with a golden tassel dangling on the side.

Nostalgia was only inflicted on her heart- after almost a year, a year full of numerous emotions and drama, she was ending the year on a good note. But that meant she was also leaving her friends, the people she grew to love, a part of her didn't want to leave because of the fun and the memories she's made with them.

Wow, I never signed up for this sadness.

"Smile just one more time Daeun!"

At the sound of her dad's gushing voice, her lips lift into a robotic smile- her glistening eyes finding the camera lens once again.

"Aaand that's a cut. My baby looks flawless as always." Her mum giggled as she gracefully pulled her smiling daughter into her warm embrace- her dad smiling in the background as he takes a secretive picture of them, a glint of mischief in his gaze.

"Will Seonghwa be coming by the way?" Her dad asked, oblivious as he scans the pic with such a pure smile.

"Nope, he said he's going to go straight to the school so he can help his grandmother. Why though? Did you want pics of us standing together like those cliché teenage books?" Daeun laughed as she rolled her eyes, finding the idea somewhat cute but revolting at the same time.

Immediately her dad scoffs, as though offended by the accusation.

"No, I wanted pics of him standing with me."

Not only did Daeun's smile drop but so did her mother's.

Meanwhile, standing in his bathroom with his cap in one hand and a phone in the other was Seonghwa- an evident frown on his lips as he stares at his reflection with confused eyes.

He was finally at this point of life; unknowing of what will hit him next. Perhaps he'll be thrown across the world in a matter of three months, attending and studying something's he's never wanted to do.

But at least he's met someone who's finally made him feel proud of himself, of what he has achieved in these last few years. Someone who's unknowingly created a never-ending pit of happiness in his heart.

Even though his father's probably never uttered a single word of praise to him, at least she has. When she said she's proud of him on that stage, never had he ever felt such euphoria. Although it was at one point depressing that his own father never attempted to create an unspeakable father-son bond like he sees with his friends and their fathers, at least he's found someone he has an unspeakable bond with.

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