Chapter 15

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"Gather ere ye bastards while ye may!" Ten yells, pulling out the sword from his belt, raising it to eye level- but unfortunately his belt was stuck to it

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"Gather ere ye bastards while ye may!" Ten yells, pulling out the sword from his belt, raising it to eye level- but unfortunately his belt was stuck to it.

"Hahahaha!" Jiwoo and Lucas laugh, falling onto each other aimlessly as Daeun and Jaehyun observe them with an annoyed look, both feeling bad for Ten.

Ten huffs, trying to pry the sword off his belt only making Jiwoo and Lucas explode into even more laughter.
Eventually Taeyong had to jump onto stage and yank it off for him.

It's one of Ten's final rehearsals, this time they all came to watch him and they also got front row seats!... even though there's no one else here.

At first it was going really great, Daeun, Jiwoo and Jaehyun would always erupt in applause whilst Taeyong and Lucas would cheer him on.

"Wha-what was that?!" Jiwoo laughs, hitting Daeun on her arm as she tried to gasp for air, "Gather ere ya Chittaporn!"

Lucas cackled at her accent, also hitting Daeun on her other arm, "Ow ow ow."

"It's actually thou Chittaporn but whatever." Ten scowls, adjusting the belt around his waist. Taeyong was too busy trying to swing the wooden sword at the stage curtain before looking at it as if it's treasure.

"He-he just called himself Ch-Chittaporn!" Lucas cackles as Daeun attempted to push him off her before failing miserably.

"Can we get lunch now?!" Jaehyun whines, getting up and struggling to heave Lucas up with him, "I'm starving!"

"Yeah I want lunch." Jiwoo coughs, getting up along with Daeun. Her laughing fit has finally come to an end and so has Lucas's.

"You guys go ahead we'll wait for Ten." Lucas states, his voice deeper and hoarse from all that laughter. He jumps onto the stage as the trio leave the auditorium and make their way to the lunch hall.

"You and Lucas really discouraged Ten back there." Jaehyun scolds, holding the door open for them as they enter the cafeteria.

"Oh boo hoo Jaehyun. He's Ten, he'll get back up on his feet." Jiwoo scoffs, picking up a plate of chicken and chips, "And besides what was I supposed to do, start crying?"

"Yeah bu-"

"I'm here for food not a fight so let's eat." Daeun interrupts, walking over to an empty table.

She could hear Jiwoo and Jaehyun bicker with each other making her sigh and take a seat and they sit opposite her.

On the middle table sat Seonghwa and his friends, his eyes set on Daeun's, he smiles and gives a low wave to her causing her to grin and wave back.

Its been 3 weeks and they've been pretty lowkey about their relationship, the only people that know is Jiwoo and his friends.

Although he has been getting more agitated and desperate to let their relationship become known to the 'peasents', well that's how he quoted them.

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