Chapter 79

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"What do you mean you aren't going?!" Lucas shouted, alongside Taeyong who had his bottom lip pulled all the way out, pouting sulkingly as he pressed his lollipop against his lips

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"What do you mean you aren't going?!" Lucas shouted, alongside Taeyong who had his bottom lip pulled all the way out, pouting sulkingly as he pressed his lollipop against his lips.

"That I'm not going on this stupid camp trip." Daeun shrugged. She honestly wasn't too bothered by it whereas Lucas was screaming his head off because he wanted her to come.

"But why?! It's going to be fun!"

"Staying at home, binging off junk food and watching penthouse is also fun." She causally pointed out.

"It's senior year Daeun." Taeyong stated and Daeun raised a brow. That doesn't really mean anything… was it supposed to?

"Yeah, it's senior year! Our year of fun!" Lucas interjected with a tone of seriousness. Daeun couldn't help but glare at his sudden burst of childish determination. When she says no, it's supposed to mean no. So why did everyone around her have a hard time understanding that?

"Why is Yukhei screaming?"

Taeyong and Lucas immediately turn around to the other two guys behind them- Ten and Jaehyun who squeezed in line with them, grinning at Daeun which she simply responds with a small smile. They all had officially apologised to her just last week (except Jiwoo) and now they were all good friends once again. It gave Daeun a pang of hope, maybe things could finally go to how they were before.

"Daeun doesn't want to go to the end of year trip." Taeyong whistled lowly, blatantly ignoring Daeun's sharp glare.

Ten frowns at her. "Why not?"

"Because it's a waste of time- I could be doing something more productive with that time."

"You lot are acting like it's such a big deal." Jaehyun scoffed, hands stylishly stuffed in his trouser pockets and his tie pressed against his buttoned up shirt- complimenting his head boy title. His unexpected agreement earns angered yells from the other three boys around him.

"Thank you Jaehy-"

"We can just kidnap her when the time comes." He shrugged casually.

Daeun heaved a miserable sigh, she should've seen that one coming.

"Best idea so far man." Lucas grinned, grasping his hand around Jaehyun's and the two bumped their shoulders against each other- a 'bro' thing they all do.

"So it's decided, if you don't come we'll kidnap you the morning we're going to leave." Taeyong announced with a yawn, sweeping back his auburn locks indifferently. Daeun's jaw dropped at his nonchalant tone.

"Can you at least give it a thought Daeun? We have so much stuff planned for next week, and we'll be doing it as a group!" Ten exclaimed, clasping his hands together out of excitement and delight.

Daeun's brows knitted together out of bewilderment. "What about Jiwoo?"

She can't be hanging out with them for a whole week with Jiwoo there, the girl hates her entire existence and she surely won't be able to tolerate her. If there is a way for Daeun to somehow resolve the issue she has with her, she would've taken it without a doubt it but Jiwoo for some reason does not want to interact with her in the slightest way. She barely even bats an eye at her.

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