Chapter 73

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"Wait, wait! How do we do this? Do I hold your hand? I've never loved a girl this much before heck I haven't even dated one yet

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"Wait, wait! How do we do this? Do I hold your hand? I've never loved a girl this much before heck I haven't even dated one yet. Ohmygod don't reject me, that was supposed to be a secret!"

Lucas rambled quickly out of panic, tugging at the ends of his black hair as he walked beside Daeun, her outstretched hand only making him panic more.

"You never dated a girl before? So does that mean you've dated a boy?" Daeun asked teasingly, wriggling her brows at him.

"No! Of course not!" Lucas yelled, a bright pink his crossing his cheeks. Daeun giggled at his frenzied hysterics. She slowly took hold of hands, lacing it with hers as she flashed him a genuine smile.

"You haven't dated neither genders. How about kiss? Have you ever kissed anyone?"

He snorted, nodding his head. "There were a couple but my first one was in 7th grade. It was in an infamous game of truth and dare... the girl... she had braces and a really bad breath."

Daeun erupted into a fit of boisterous laughter, trying to picture a small Lucas and his expression when he realised she had braces on, her fingers not letting go of his once as she looked away, still laughing at his embarrassing revelation.

After his unexpected confession two nights ago, which lead to Lucas also eating out with a protective Somi and a suspicious Daehwi, they had temporarily kept their distance on the weekends until today; Monday. He had been waiting outside her apartment complex, obviously frightened and hysterical after Daeun had avoided him on the weekends.

She frankly just needed time to adjust to their sudden build on a relationship and when she explained how she wasn't ready for all this 'relationship drama' again, he took it all in calmly and surprisingly good.

So for now, he was happy enough to know that she was considering it.

It's better to rely heavily on hope rather than rejection in his eyes.

"How about you?" Lucas questioned with a sly smirk. "Who was your first kiss?"

Daeun's smile immediately dropped, her heart wrenching at the sudden memory that plagued her mind.

He had kissed her with feelings she thought were real.

"Seonghwa." She replied simply and seemingly unaffected. Lucas cleared his throat abruptly, suddenly feeling guilty at his reckless questioning.

"Okay I was a tad late but let's say he doesn't count. And then I'll be your first real kiss." He quipped in quickly and happily, eliciting a chuckle from Daeun.

"Oh yeah? And how are you so sure that we will kiss?" She teased and Lucas winked.

"I'm telepathic elsa, I can see it coming."

"I think you mean you're psychic Lucas."

"Oh that..." he trailed off, a sheepish smile on his smile that intensified the embarrassment he felt.

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