Chapter 72

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"No! Somi, you bitch! give me my phone back!"

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"No! Somi, you bitch! give me my phone back!"

Daehwi screamed, the pitch of hi voice going even higher as he attempted to seize his phone away from his crouched friend. Daeun laughed at him, slowly slipping her coat on.

Somi's laugh only grew more melodious, holding her stomach as she leaned deeper into the sofa, still scrolling through his phone despite his ear-splitting shrieks. Daehwi refrained himself from strangling her with her own braids and instead tried pulling her back, his arms enveloped around her waist.

"Fuck boy, how many girls are you talking to?!" Somi yelled in laughter, holding up the phone to show Daeun but instantly it was snatched by Daehwi.

"Mind your own fucking business!" He spat, pushing her away from him before stomping over to the shelves, still glaring at her through gritted teeth.

"No." Somi answered simply, throwing the boy an ecstatic smile and he responded with a faker smile.

"You guys always fight." Daeun laughed, about to go into more depth until Daehwi's glare told her otherwise. She cleared her throat. "A-Are we going to go? I'm starving."

"Me too." Somi groaned, sweeping back her auburn hair as she got up, linking an arm with Daeun. "I want McDonalds but this idiot always wants to eat something expensive."

"I'm rich what do you expect?" Daehwi rolled his eyes, pulling on his coat and grabbing his car keys.

"Yeah and I'm broke, be more thoughtful." She sneered.

"If you're rich, why do you work here...?" Daeun asked as though it was the most obvious question.

"Long story short: I went shopping, spent over $5000, got arrested that night- don't ask why, had to be bailed out by my mum which costed another $2000, and now I'm being forced to work here until I pay off that 7000." Daehwi answered with a fake smile, obviously annoyed and disgusted he's working in such a boring and ugly place.

"Oh... that's cool I guess?"

"Yeah it's sooo cool bestie." He agreed sarcastically as they begin to walk out of the cramped room. "Somi's lying by the way, the girl's much more loaded then me. Her family literally swims in money."

Somi scoffed at him. "I want to earn my own money, thank you very much."

"Please which rich kid would want to work when you have money that's just waiting to be spent?"

Ok so what Daeun picked up after working with these two for over a month is that- Somi is the modest friend and is jovial in countless ways while Daehwi is just an insolent fool that boozes on money like alcohol.

What a cute combo.

"So how did you guys meet? At a private school?" Daeun grinned knowingly, nudging her elbow into Daehwi's side, eliciting a disgusted expression from him.

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